#compdef run0 (( $+functions[_run0_unit_properties] )) || _run0_unit_properties() { local -a props=( BlockIOAccounting BlockIODeviceWeight BlockIOReadBandwidth BlockIOWeight BlockIOWriteBandwidth CPUAccounting CPUShares DeviceAllow DevicePolicy Environment EnvironmentFile ExitType FinalKillSignal Group InaccessiblePaths KillMode KillSignal LimitAS LimitCORE LimitCPU LimitDATA LimitFSIZE LimitLOCKS LimitMEMLOCK LimitMSGQUEUE LimitNICE LimitNOFILE LimitNPROC LimitRSS LimitRTPRIO LimitRTTIME LimitSIGPENDING LimitSTACK MemoryAccounting MemoryLimit Nice NoNewPrivileges OOMScoreAdjust PassEnvironment PrivateDevices PrivateNetwork PrivateTmp ProtectHome ProtectSystem ReadOnlyPaths ReadWritePaths RestartKillSignal RootDirectory RuntimeDirectory SendSIGHUP SendSIGKILL SyslogFacility SyslogIdentifier SyslogLevel SyslogLevelPrefix TTYPath TimerSlackNSec User WorkingDirectory ) _values -S= 'properties' ${^props}'::()' } (( $+functions[_run0_slices] )) || _run0_slices() { local -a slices=( ${(@f)"$(_call_program slice-units systemctl --no-pager --legend=no --plain list-units --all -t slice 2>/dev/null)"} ) slices=( ${slices%% *} ) _describe -t slice-units 'slice unit' slices } local -a args=( '--no-ask-password[Do not query the user for authentication]' '--unit=[Use this unit name instead of an automatically generated one]' {--property=,-p+}'[Sets a property on the service unit created]:property:_run0_unit_properties' '--description=[Provide a description for the service unit]' '--slice=[Make the new .service unit part of the specified slice]:slice unit:_run0_slices' '--slice-inherit[Make the new service unit part of the current slice]' {--user=,-u+}'[Switch to the specified user]:user:_users' {--group=,-g+}'[Switch to the specified group]:group:_groups' '--nice=[Run with specified nice level]:nice value' {--chdir=,-D+}'[Run within the specified working directory]:directory:_files -/' '--setenv=[Set the specified environment variable in the session]:environment variable:_parameters -g "*export*" -S = -q' '--background=[Change the terminal background color to the specified ANSI color]:ansi color' '--machine=[Execute the operation on a local container]:machine:_sd_machines' {-h,--help}'[Show the help text and exit]' '--version[Print a short version string and exit]' ) _arguments -S $args '*:: :{_normal -p $service}'