%% %% This is file `nomencl.hak', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% scrhack-2023-07-07.dtx (with options: `hack,nomencl,identify') %% scrhack-2023-07-07.dtx (with options: `hack,nomencl,body') %% %% IMPORTANT NOTICE: %% %% For the copyright see the source file. %% %% Any modified versions of this file must be renamed %% with new filenames distinct from nomencl.hak. %% %% For distribution of the original source see the terms %% for copying and modification in the file scrhack-2023-07-07.dtx scrhack-2023-07-07.dtx. %% %% This generated file may be distributed as long as the %% original source files, as listed above, are part of the %% same distribution. (The sources need not necessarily be %% in the same archive or directory.) \ProvidesFile{nomencl.hak}[% 2024-04-17 v3.42 scrhack part (hacking package nomencl)% ] \RequirePackage{tocbasic} \@ifpackagelater{nomencl}{2019/01/01}{% \PackageInfo{scrhack}{only `tocbasic' loaded for `nomencl'}% \expandafter\endinput }{} \addtotoclist[nomencl]{nlo} \addtotoclist[nomencl]{nls} \xpatchcmd{\thenomenclature}{% \@ifundefined{chapter}% { \section*{\nomname} \if@intoc\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\nomname}\fi% }% { \chapter*{\nomname} \if@intoc\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\nomname}\fi% }% }{% \scr@hack@nomencl@head }{% \PackageInfo{scrhack}{\string\thenomenclature\space successfully patched}% }{% \xpatchcmd{\thenomenclature}{% \@ifundefined{chapter}% { \section*{\nomname} \if@intoc\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\nomname}\fi% }% { \chapter*{\nomname} \markboth{\nomname}{\nomname}% \if@intoc\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\nomname}\fi% }% }{% \scr@hack@nomencl@head }{% \PackageInfo{scrhack}{\string\thenomenclature\space successfully patched}% }{% \xpatchcmd{\thenomenclature}{% \@ifundefined{chapter}% { \section*{\nomname} \if@intoc\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\nomname}\fi% }% { \chapter*{\nomname} \@mkboth{\nomname}{\nomname}% \if@intoc\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\nomname}\fi% }% }{% \scr@hack@nomencl@head }{% \PackageInfo{scrhack}{\string\thenomenclature\space successfully patched}% }{% \xpatchcmd{\thenomenclature}{% \@ifundefined{chapter}% }{% \scr@hack@nomencl@head \@gobbletwo }{% \PackageWarning{scrhack}{% using emergency patch of \string\thenomenclature.\MessageBreak This could happen if you are using an unknown\MessageBreak release of package `nomencl'.\MessageBreak Mostly this patch does work too, but it also could\MessageBreak break `nomencl`. If this happens, please deactivate\MessageBreak the `nomencl` hack of `scrhack`% }% }{% \PackageWarning{scrhack}{% cannot patch \string\thenomenclature.\MessageBreak This could happen if you are using an unknown\MessageBreak release of package `nomencl'% }% }% }% }% } \newcommand*{\scr@hack@nomencl@head}{% \providecommand*{\listofnlsname}{\nomname}% \def\@currext{nls}% \tocbasic@listhead{\nomname}% } \if@intoc \setuptoc{nls}{totoc} \fi \endinput %% %% End of file `nomencl.hak'.