; This file is part of babel. For further details see: ; https://www.ctan.org/pkg/babel ; Data has been collected mainly from the following sources: ; * Common Locale Data Repository (license Unicode): ; http://cldr.unicode.org/ ; http://unicode.org/copyright.html [identification] charset = utf8 version = 1.0 date = 2023-09-15 name.local = सिन्धी name.english = Sindhi name.babel = sindhi-devanagari sindhi-deva tag.bcp47 = sd-Deva language.tag.bcp47 = sd tag.bcp47.likely = sd-Deva-IN tag.opentype = SND script.name = Devanagari script.tag.bcp47 = Deva script.tag.opentype = deva level = 1 encodings = derivate = no [captions] ; xetex, luatex preface = ref = abstract = bib = chapter = appendix = contents = listfigure = listtable = index = figure = table = part = encl = cc = headto = page = see = also = proof = glossary = [captions.licr] ; pdftex preface = ref = abstract = bib = chapter = appendix = contents = listfigure = listtable = index = figure = table = part = encl = cc = headto = page = see = also = proof = glossary = [date.gregorian] date.long = [MMMM] [d], [y] date.short = [M]/[d]/[yy] months.wide.1 = जनवरी months.wide.2 = फरवरी months.wide.3 = मार्चु months.wide.4 = अप्रैल months.wide.5 = मई months.wide.6 = जून months.wide.7 = जुलाई months.wide.8 = अगस्ट months.wide.9 = सप्टेंबर months.wide.10 = ओक्टोबर months.wide.11 = नवंबर months.wide.12 = डिसंबर months.narrow.1 = ज months.narrow.2 = फ़ months.narrow.3 = मा months.narrow.4 = अ months.narrow.5 = मा months.narrow.6 = जू months.narrow.7 = जु months.narrow.8 = अग months.narrow.9 = स months.narrow.10 = ऑ months.narrow.11 = न months.narrow.12 = डि days.wide.mon = सूमर days.wide.tue = मंगलु days.wide.wed = बु॒धर days.wide.thu = विस्पत days.wide.fri = जुमो days.wide.sat = छंछर days.wide.sun = आर्तवार days.abbreviated.mon = सू days.abbreviated.tue = मंग days.abbreviated.wed = बु॒ध days.abbreviated.thu = विस days.abbreviated.fri = जुम days.abbreviated.sat = छंछ days.abbreviated.sun = आर्त days.narrow.mon = सू days.narrow.tue = मं days.narrow.wed = बु॒ days.narrow.thu = वि days.narrow.fri = जु days.narrow.sat = छं days.narrow.sun = आ dayPeriods.abbreviated.am = dayPeriods.abbreviated.pm = dayPeriods.narrow.am = dayPeriods.narrow.pm = dayPeriods.wide.am = सुबुह जा dayPeriods.wide.pm = शाम जा [date.gregorian.licr] months.wide.1 = months.wide.2 = months.wide.3 = months.wide.4 = months.wide.5 = months.wide.6 = months.wide.7 = months.wide.8 = months.wide.9 = months.wide.10 = months.wide.11 = months.wide.12 = [time.gregorian] time.medium = [h]:[mm]:[ss] [a] time.short = [h]:[mm] [a] [typography] frenchspacing = yes hyphenrules = lefthyphenmin = righthyphenmin = hyphenchar = prehyphenchar = posthyphenchar = exhyphenchar = preexhyphenchar = postexhyphenchar = hyphenationmin = [characters] delimiters.quotes = auxiliary = [\u200C\u200D] exemplarCharacters = [\u093C \u0902 अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ए ऐ ओ औ क ख ग ॻ घ ङ च छ ज ॼ झ ञ ट ठ ड ॾ ढ ण त थ द ध न प फ ब ॿ भ म य र ल व श ष स ह ा ि ी \u0941 \u0942 \u0943 \u0944 \u0945 \u0947 \u0948 ॉ ो ौ \u094D] index = punctuation = [\\- ‐ ‑ – — , ; \\: ! ? . … ' ‘ ’ \" “ ” ( ) \\[ \\] § @ * / \\& # † ‡ ′ ″] [numbers] defaultNumberingSystem = latn digits.native = ०१२३४५६७८९ minimumGroupingDigits = decimal = exponential = group = infinity = list = minusSign = nan = perMille = percentSign = plusSign = superscriptingExponent =