; This file is part of babel. For further details see: ; https://www.ctan.org/pkg/babel ; Data has been collected mainly from the following sources: ; * babel language styles (license LPPL): ; https://www.ctan.org/pkg/babel-contrib ; * Common Locale Data Repository (license Unicode): ; http://cldr.unicode.org/ ; http://unicode.org/copyright.html [identification] charset = utf8 version = 0.8 date = 2020-06-30 name.english = Sanskrit name.babel = sanskrit tag.bcp47 = sa-Knda language.tag.bcp47 = sa tag.opentype = SAN script.name = Kannada script.tag.bcp47 = Knda script.tag.opentype = knda level = 0 encodings = derivate = no [captions] preface = ref = abstract = bib = chapter = appendix = contents = listfigure = listtable = index = figure = table = part = encl = cc = headto = page = see = also = proof = glossary = [captions.licr] preface = ref = abstract = bib = chapter = appendix = contents = listfigure = listtable = index = figure = table = part = encl = cc = headto = page = see = also = proof = glossary = ;;;; faltan meses [typography] frenchspacing = yes hyphenrules = lefthyphenmin = 1 righthyphenmin = 3 hyphenchar = prehyphenchar = posthyphenchar = exhyphenchar = preexhyphenchar = postexhyphenchar = hyphenationmin = [characters] delimiters.quotes.0 = [counters]