@ARTICLE{pl:17, author = "Л. А. Жукова", title = "Род Подорожник", journal = "Биологическая флора Московской области", volume = "7", pages = "188--209", address = "М.", language = "russian", year = 1983 } @INCOLLECTION{pl:18, author = "Л. А. Жукова", title = "Подорожник большой ({\em Plantago major} L.)", booktitle = "Диагностика и ключи возрастных состояний луговых растений", pages = "39--42", address = "М.", language = "russian", year = 1986 } @ARTICLE{pl:30, author = "Л. А. Жукова", title = "О развитии розеточных побегов подорожника большого ({\em Plantago major} L.)", journal = "Бюл. МОИП, отд. биол.", volume = "92", number = "вып. 1", pages = "97", language = "russian", year = 1987 } @BOOK{pl:59, author = "И. Г. Серебряков", title = "Морфология вегетативных органов высших растений", pages = "390", address = "М.", language = "russian", year = 1952 } @ARTICLE{pl:124, author = "S.~Carlquist", title = "Wood anatomy of insular species of {\em Plantago} and the problem of raylessness", journal = "Bull. Torr. Bot. Club", volume = "97", number = "6", pages = "353--361", year = 1970 } @INBOOK{pl:197, author = "C. R. Metcalfe and L. Chalk", title = "{\em Plantaginaceae}", booktitle = "Anatomy of dicotyledons", volume = "2", pages = "1053--1059", address = "Oxford", year = 1950 } @ARTICLE{pl:241, author = "G. R. Sagar and J. H. Harper", title = "{\em Plantago major} L., {\em P. media} L. and {\em P.~lanceolata} L.", journal = "J. Ecol.", volume = "52", number = "1", pages = "12--21", year = 1964 } @BOOK{pl:254, author = "W. Troll", title = "Praktishe Einfuhrung in die Pflanzenmorphologie", volume = "1", pages = "258", address = "Jena", year = 1954 }