############################################################# -*- c -*- ## generic include for XXX. Do not use directly. ## ######################################################################## @if $m2c_create_fewer_files != 1@ @eval $m2c_save = "$name"@ @eval $name = "${m2c_save}_oids"@ @open ${name}.h@ /* * Note: this file originally auto-generated by mib2c * using generic-table-oids.m2c */ @include generic-header-top.m2i@ @eval $name = "$m2c_save"@ @end@ // m2c_create_fewer_files ######################################################################## @if $m2c_mark_boundary == 1@ /** START header generated by generic-table-oids.m2c */ @end@ ## /* column number definitions for table $context */ #define $context.uc_OID $context.commaoid @eval $minv = 0xffffffff@ @eval $maxv = 0@ @eval $gto_flag_req = ""@ @eval $gto_flag_set = ""@ @eval $m2c_tmp_gto = 0@ @foreach $node column@ #define COLUMN_$node.uc $node.subid @if $node.accessible == 1@ @if ($node.settable == 1) || ($m2c_table_sparse == 1)@ @ if "x$gto_flag_set" eq "x"@ @ eval $gto_flag_set = "COLUMN_$node.uc_FLAG"@ @ else@ @ eval $gto_flag_set = "$gto_flag_set | COLUMN_$node.uc_FLAG"@ @ end@ @if $m2c_tmp_gto > 31@ #define COLUMN_$node.uc_FLAG (((uint64_t)0x1) << $m2c_tmp_gto) @else@ #define COLUMN_$node.uc_FLAG (0x1 << $m2c_tmp_gto) @end@ @eval $m2c_tmp_gto = $m2c_tmp_gto + 1@ @end@ @if ($m2c_table_row_creation == 1) && ($node.settable == 1) && ("x$node.defval" eq "x")@ @if "x$gto_flag_req" eq "x"@ @eval $gto_flag_req = "COLUMN_$node.uc_FLAG"@ @else@ @eval $gto_flag_req = "$gto_flag_req | COLUMN_$node.uc_FLAG"@ @end@ @end@ @if $node.subid < $minv@ @eval $minv = $node.subid@ @eval $minn = "COLUMN_$node.uc"@ @end@ @if $node.subid > $maxv@ @eval $maxv = $node.subid@ @eval $maxn = "COLUMN_$node.uc"@ @end@ @end@ @end@ # column #define $context.uc_MIN_COL $minn #define $context.uc_MAX_COL $maxn ## ## column_set_flags and column_exist_flags are unsigned ints, to 32 is ## the limit. Could try something with a 'long long' to see if that ## can get us to 64, or do something like FD_SET, which would let us ## be pretty unlimited. ## @if $maxn > 31@ @ print ERROR: more than 32 columns not supported yet.@ @ exit@ @end@ @ if $m2c_table_settable@ @if "x$gto_flag_set" ne "x"@ /* * TODO:405:r: Review $context.uc_SETTABLE_COLS macro. * OR together all the writable cols. */ #define $context.uc_SETTABLE_COLS ($gto_flag_set) @end@ @if $m2c_table_row_creation@ @if "x$gto_flag_req" ne "x"@ /* * TODO:405:r: Review $context.uc_REQUIRED_COLS macro. * OR together all the required rows for row creation. * default is writable cols w/out defaults. */ #define $context.uc_REQUIRED_COLS ($gto_flag_req) @end@ @end@ @ end@ # settable @if $m2c_create_fewer_files != 1@ @eval $m2c_save = "$name"@ @eval $name = "${m2c_save}_oids"@ @include generic-header-bottom.m2i@ @eval $name = "$m2c_save"@ @end@ ######################################################################## @if $m2c_mark_boundary == 1@ /** END header generated by generic-table-oids.m2c */ @end@