.nh .TH "GH-REPO-VIEW" "1" "Oct 2024" "GitHub CLI 2.58.0" "GitHub CLI manual" .SH NAME gh-repo-view - View a repository .SH SYNOPSIS \fBgh repo view [] [flags]\fR .SH DESCRIPTION Display the description and the README of a GitHub repository. .PP With no argument, the repository for the current directory is displayed. .PP With \fB--web\fR, open the repository in a web browser instead. .PP With \fB--branch\fR, view a specific branch of the repository. .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB-b\fR, \fB--branch\fR \fB\fR View a specific branch of the repository .TP \fB-q\fR, \fB--jq\fR \fB\fR Filter JSON output using a jq expression .TP \fB--json\fR \fB\fR Output JSON with the specified fields .TP \fB-t\fR, \fB--template\fR \fB\fR Format JSON output using a Go template; see "gh help formatting" .TP \fB-w\fR, \fB--web\fR Open a repository in the browser .SH JSON FIELDS \fBassignableUsers\fR, \fBcodeOfConduct\fR, \fBcontactLinks\fR, \fBcreatedAt\fR, \fBdefaultBranchRef\fR, \fBdeleteBranchOnMerge\fR, \fBdescription\fR, \fBdiskUsage\fR, \fBforkCount\fR, \fBfundingLinks\fR, \fBhasDiscussionsEnabled\fR, \fBhasIssuesEnabled\fR, \fBhasProjectsEnabled\fR, \fBhasWikiEnabled\fR, \fBhomepageUrl\fR, \fBid\fR, \fBisArchived\fR, \fBisBlankIssuesEnabled\fR, \fBisEmpty\fR, \fBisFork\fR, \fBisInOrganization\fR, \fBisMirror\fR, \fBisPrivate\fR, \fBisSecurityPolicyEnabled\fR, \fBisTemplate\fR, \fBisUserConfigurationRepository\fR, \fBissueTemplates\fR, \fBissues\fR, \fBlabels\fR, \fBlanguages\fR, \fBlatestRelease\fR, \fBlicenseInfo\fR, \fBmentionableUsers\fR, \fBmergeCommitAllowed\fR, \fBmilestones\fR, \fBmirrorUrl\fR, \fBname\fR, \fBnameWithOwner\fR, \fBopenGraphImageUrl\fR, \fBowner\fR, \fBparent\fR, \fBprimaryLanguage\fR, \fBprojects\fR, \fBprojectsV2\fR, \fBpullRequestTemplates\fR, \fBpullRequests\fR, \fBpushedAt\fR, \fBrebaseMergeAllowed\fR, \fBrepositoryTopics\fR, \fBsecurityPolicyUrl\fR, \fBsquashMergeAllowed\fR, \fBsshUrl\fR, \fBstargazerCount\fR, \fBtemplateRepository\fR, \fBupdatedAt\fR, \fBurl\fR, \fBusesCustomOpenGraphImage\fR, \fBviewerCanAdminister\fR, \fBviewerDefaultCommitEmail\fR, \fBviewerDefaultMergeMethod\fR, \fBviewerHasStarred\fR, \fBviewerPermission\fR, \fBviewerPossibleCommitEmails\fR, \fBviewerSubscription\fR, \fBvisibility\fR, \fBwatchers\fR .SH EXIT CODES 0: Successful execution .PP 1: Error .PP 2: Command canceled .PP 4: Authentication required .PP NOTE: Specific commands may have additional exit codes. Refer to the command's help for more information. .SH SEE ALSO \fBgh-repo(1)\fR