.\" This file is loaded by an.tmac. .\" .\" Put local modifications to groff_man(7)'s behavior here. .\" .\" Change "0" to "1" to enable OSC 8 links on SGR-capable grotty(1) .\" output devices. .if !'\*[.T]'html' \ . if !r U \ . nr U 1 .\" .\" "CW" is not a portable font name, but some man pages use it anyway. .\" Uncomment this to suppress warnings produced by such pages. This .\" test remaps the font to roman ("R") on nroff (terminal) devices. You .\" might prefer to remap it to bold ("B") instead. .if n .ftr CW R .\" .\" A de facto standard URL format for man pages is recognized .\" everywhere except Apple, where different macOS applications expect .\" different formats. .\" 1: man:groff(1) -- package default .\" 2: x-man-page://1/groff -- macOS/Mac OS X since 10.3 (Panther) .\" 3: man:groff.1 -- Bwana (Mac OS X) .\" 4: x-man-doc://1/groff -- ManOpen (Mac OS X pre-2005) .\" Set this register to configure which the `MR` macro uses. .\" .nr an*MR-URL-format 1 .\" .\" Local Variables: .\" mode: nroff .\" fill-column: 72 .\" End: .\" vim: set filetype=groff textwidth=72: . .if n \{\ . \" Debian: As of groff 1.23.0, the "-", "'", "`", "^", and "~" input . \" characters are mapped to non-Basic Latin code points in output from . \" the "utf8" device, for consistency with other output devices such as . \" PDF. Unfortunately in practice this still causes far too much . \" disruption for innocent users of manual pages who just want to be able . \" to search for characters normally, so preserve the old behaviour. . \" Comment this out if you want to make sure that manual pages you're . \" writing are clear of these problems. . if '\*[.T]'utf8' \{\ . char - \- . char ' \[aq] . char ` \[ga] . char ^ \[ha] . char ~ \[ti] . \} . . \" Debian: "\-" is more commonly used for option dashes than for minus . \" signs in manual pages, so map it to plain "-" for HTML/XHTML output . \" rather than letting it be rendered as "−". . ie '\*[.T]'html' \ . char \- \N'45' . el \{\ . if '\*[.T]'xhtml' \ . char \- \N'45' . \} .\}