#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Cut the number bins in half in fio histogram output. Example usage: $ half-bins.py -c 2 output_clat_hist.1.log > smaller_clat_hist.1.log Which merges e.g. bins [0 .. 3], [4 .. 7], ..., [1212 .. 1215] resulting in 304 = 1216 / (2**2) merged bins per histogram sample. @author Karl Cronburg """ import sys def main(ctx): stride = 1 << ctx.coarseness with open(ctx.FILENAME, 'r') as fp: for line in fp.readlines(): vals = line.split(', ') sys.stdout.write("%s, %s, %s, " % tuple(vals[:3])) hist = list(map(int, vals[3:])) for i in range(0, len(hist) - stride, stride): sys.stdout.write("%d, " % sum(hist[i : i + stride],)) sys.stdout.write("%d\n" % sum(hist[len(hist) - stride:])) if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse p = argparse.ArgumentParser() arg = p.add_argument arg( 'FILENAME', help='clat_hist file for which we will reduce' ' (by half or more) the number of bins.') arg('-c', '--coarseness', default=1, type=int, help='number of times to reduce number of bins by half, ' 'e.g. coarseness of 4 merges each 2^4 = 16 consecutive ' 'bins.') main(p.parse_args())