/* Parser and scanner for bistromathic. -*- C -*- Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of Bison, the GNU Compiler Compiler. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ %require "3.7" // Emitted on top of the implementation file. %code top { #include // isdigit #include // LC_ALL #include // cos, sin, etc. #include // va_start #include // printf #include // calloc #include // strcmp #include #include #if defined ENABLE_NLS && ENABLE_NLS // Unable the translation of Bison's generated messages. # define YYENABLE_NLS 1 # include // Unless specified otherwise, we expect bistromathic's own // catalog to be installed in the same tree as Bison's catalog. # ifndef LOCALEDIR # define LOCALEDIR BISON_LOCALEDIR # endif #endif } // Emitted in the header file, before the definition of YYSTYPE. %code requires { // Function type. typedef double (func_t) (double); // Data type for links in the chain of symbols. typedef struct symrec symrec; struct symrec { char *name; // name of symbol int type; // type of symbol: either VAR or FUN union { double var; // value of a VAR func_t *fun; // value of a FUN } value; symrec *next; // link field }; symrec *putsym (char const *name, int sym_type); symrec *getsym (char const *name); // Exchanging information with the parser. typedef struct { // Whether to not emit error messages. int silent; // The current input line. const char *line; } user_context; } // Emitted in the header file, after the definition of YYSTYPE. %code provides { # ifndef __attribute__ # ifndef __GNUC__ # define __attribute__(Spec) /* empty */ # endif # endif yytoken_kind_t yylex (const char **line, YYSTYPE *yylval, YYLTYPE *yylloc, const user_context *uctx); void yyerror (const YYLTYPE *loc, const user_context *uctx, char const *format, ...) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 3, 4))); } // Emitted in the implementation file. %code { // Print *LOC on OUT. static void location_print (FILE *out, YYLTYPE const * const loc); #define YYLOCATION_PRINT location_print #if defined ENABLE_NLS && ENABLE_NLS # define _(Msgid) gettext (Msgid) #else # define _(Msgid) (Msgid) #endif // Whether to quit. int done = 0; } // Include the header in the implementation rather than duplicating it. %define api.header.include {"parse.h"} // Don't share global variables between the scanner and the parser. %define api.pure full // Generate a push parser. %define api.push-pull push // To avoid name clashes (e.g., with C's EOF) prefix token definitions // with TOK_ (e.g., TOK_EOF). %define api.token.prefix {TOK_} // Customized syntax error messages (see yyreport_syntax_error)... %define parse.error custom // ... with locations... %locations // ... and accurate list of expected tokens. %define parse.lac full // Generate the parser description file (calc.output). %verbose // User information exchanged with the parser and scanner. %param {const user_context *uctx} // Generate YYSTYPE from the types assigned to symbols. %define api.value.type union %token PLUS "+" MINUS "-" STAR "*" SLASH "/" CARET "^" LPAREN "(" RPAREN ")" EQUAL "=" EXIT "exit" NUM _("number") FUN _("function") VAR _("variable") %nterm exp // Enable run-time traces (yydebug). %define parse.trace // Formatting semantic values in debug traces. %printer { fprintf (yyo, "%s", $$->name); } VAR; %printer { fprintf (yyo, "%s()", $$->name); } FUN; %printer { fprintf (yyo, "%g", $$); } ; // Precedence (from lowest to highest) and associativity. %precedence "=" %left "+" "-" %left "*" "/" %precedence NEG // negation--unary minus %right "^" // exponentiation %% // The grammar follows. input: %empty | exp { printf ("%.10g\n", $exp); } | "exit" { done = 1; } ; exp: NUM | VAR { $$ = $VAR->value.var; } | VAR "=" exp { $$ = $3; $VAR->value.var = $3; } | FUN "(" exp ")" { $$ = $FUN->value.fun ($3); } | exp[l] "+" exp[r] { $$ = $l + $r; } | exp[l] "-" exp[r] { $$ = $l - $r; } | exp[l] "*" exp[r] { $$ = $l * $r; } | exp[l] "/" exp[r] { if ($r == 0) { yyerror (&@$, uctx, _("error: division by zero")); YYERROR; } else $$ = $l / $r; } | "-" exp %prec NEG { $$ = -$2; } | exp[l] "^" exp[r] { $$ = pow ($l, $r); } | "(" exp ")" { $$ = $2; } | "(" error ")" { $$ = 666; } ; // End of grammar. %% /*------------. | Functions. | `------------*/ struct init { char const *name; func_t *fun; }; static struct init const funs[] = { { "atan", atan }, { "cos", cos }, { "exp", exp }, { "ln", log }, { "sin", sin }, { "sqrt", sqrt }, { 0, 0 }, }; // The symbol table: a chain of 'struct symrec'. static symrec *sym_table; // Put functions in table. static void init_table (void) { for (int i = 0; funs[i].name; i++) { symrec *ptr = putsym (funs[i].name, TOK_FUN); ptr->value.fun = funs[i].fun; } } symrec * putsym (char const *name, int sym_type) { symrec *res = (symrec *) malloc (sizeof (symrec)); res->name = strdup (name); res->type = sym_type; res->value.var = 0; // Set value to 0 even if fun. res->next = sym_table; sym_table = res; return res; } symrec * getsym (char const *name) { for (symrec *p = sym_table; p; p = p->next) if (strcmp (p->name, name) == 0) return p; return NULL; } // How many symbols are registered. static int symbol_count (void) { int res = 0; for (symrec *p = sym_table; p; p = p->next) ++res; return res; } /*------------. | Locations. | `------------*/ // Print *LOC on OUT. Do it in a compact way, that avoids redundancy. static void location_print (FILE *out, YYLTYPE const * const loc) { fprintf (out, "%d.%d", loc->first_line, loc->first_column); int end_col = 0 != loc->last_column ? loc->last_column - 1 : 0; if (loc->first_line < loc->last_line) fprintf (out, "-%d.%d", loc->last_line, end_col); else if (loc->first_column < end_col) fprintf (out, "-%d", end_col); } /*----------. | Scanner. | `----------*/ yytoken_kind_t yylex (const char **line, YYSTYPE *yylval, YYLTYPE *yylloc, const user_context *uctx) { int c; // Ignore white space, get first nonwhite character. do { // Move the first position onto the last. yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line; yylloc->first_column = yylloc->last_column; yylloc->last_column += 1; c = *((*line)++); } while (c == ' ' || c == '\t'); switch (c) { case '+': return TOK_PLUS; case '-': return TOK_MINUS; case '*': return TOK_STAR; case '/': return TOK_SLASH; case '^': return TOK_CARET; case '=': return TOK_EQUAL; case '(': return TOK_LPAREN; case ')': return TOK_RPAREN; case '!': return TOK_YYUNDEF; case '\0': return TOK_YYEOF; // Numbers. case '.': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { int nchars = 0; if (sscanf (*line - 1, "%lf%n", &yylval->TOK_NUM, &nchars) != 1) abort (); *line += nchars - 1; yylloc->last_column += nchars - 1; return TOK_NUM; } // Identifiers. case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': { int nchars = 0; char buf[100]; if (sscanf (*line - 1, "%99[a-z]%n", buf, &nchars) != 1) abort (); *line += nchars - 1; yylloc->last_column += nchars - 1; if (strcmp (buf, "exit") == 0) return TOK_EXIT; else { symrec *s = getsym (buf); if (!s) s = putsym (buf, TOK_VAR); yylval->TOK_VAR = s; return s->type; } } // Stray characters. default: yyerror (yylloc, uctx, _("syntax error: invalid character: %c"), c); return TOK_YYerror; } } /*---------. | Parser. | `---------*/ static const char * error_format_string (int argc) { switch (argc) { default: // Avoid compiler warnings. case 0: return _("%@: syntax error"); case 1: return _("%@: syntax error: unexpected %u"); // TRANSLATORS: '%@' is a location in a file, '%u' is an // "unexpected token", and '%0e', '%1e'... are expected tokens // at this point. // // For instance on the expression "1 + * 2", you'd get // // 1.5: syntax error: expected - or ( or number or function or variable before * case 2: return _("%@: syntax error: expected %0e before %u"); case 3: return _("%@: syntax error: expected %0e or %1e before %u"); case 4: return _("%@: syntax error: expected %0e or %1e or %2e before %u"); case 5: return _("%@: syntax error: expected %0e or %1e or %2e or %3e before %u"); case 6: return _("%@: syntax error: expected %0e or %1e or %2e or %3e or %4e before %u"); case 7: return _("%@: syntax error: expected %0e or %1e or %2e or %3e or %4e or %5e before %u"); case 8: return _("%@: syntax error: expected %0e or %1e or %2e or %3e or %4e or %5e etc., before %u"); } } int yyreport_syntax_error (const yypcontext_t *ctx, const user_context *uctx) { if (uctx->silent) return 0; enum { ARGS_MAX = 6 }; yysymbol_kind_t arg[ARGS_MAX]; int argsize = yypcontext_expected_tokens (ctx, arg, ARGS_MAX); if (argsize < 0) return argsize; const int too_many_expected_tokens = argsize == 0 && arg[0] != YYSYMBOL_YYEMPTY; if (too_many_expected_tokens) argsize = ARGS_MAX; const char *format = error_format_string (1 + argsize + too_many_expected_tokens); const YYLTYPE *loc = yypcontext_location (ctx); while (*format) // %@: location. if (format[0] == '%' && format[1] == '@') { YYLOCATION_PRINT (stderr, loc); format += 2; } // %u: unexpected token. else if (format[0] == '%' && format[1] == 'u') { fputs (yysymbol_name (yypcontext_token (ctx)), stderr); format += 2; } // %0e, %1e...: expected token. else if (format[0] == '%' && isdigit ((unsigned char) format[1]) && format[2] == 'e' && (format[1] - '0') < argsize) { int i = format[1] - '0'; fputs (yysymbol_name (arg[i]), stderr); format += 3; } else { fputc (*format, stderr); ++format; } fputc ('\n', stderr); // Quote the source line. { fprintf (stderr, "%5d | %s\n", loc->first_line, uctx->line); fprintf (stderr, "%5s | %*s", "", loc->first_column, "^"); for (int i = loc->last_column - loc->first_column - 1; 0 < i; --i) putc ('~', stderr); putc ('\n', stderr); } return 0; } // Called by yyparse on errors to report the error to the user. void yyerror (const YYLTYPE *loc, const user_context *uctx, char const *format, ...) { if (uctx->silent) return; YYLOCATION_PRINT (stderr, loc); fputs (": ", stderr); va_list args; va_start (args, format); vfprintf (stderr, format, args); va_end (args); putc ('\n', stderr); } // Return a newly allocated copy of at most N bytes of STRING. In // other words, return a copy of the initial segment of length N of // STRING. static char * xstrndup (const char *string, size_t n) { // len = strnlen (string, n), portably. const char *end = memchr (string, '\0', n); size_t len = end ? (size_t) (end - string) : n; char *new = malloc (len + 1); if (!new) abort (); new[len] = '\0'; return memcpy (new, string, len); } /*-----------. | Readline. | `-----------*/ // Parse (and execute) this line. static int process_line (YYLTYPE *lloc, const char *line) { user_context uctx = {0, line}; yypstate *ps = yypstate_new (); int status = 0; do { YYSTYPE lval; yytoken_kind_t token = yylex (&line, &lval, lloc, &uctx); status = yypush_parse (ps, token, &lval, lloc, &uctx); } while (status == YYPUSH_MORE); yypstate_delete (ps); lloc->last_line++; lloc->last_column = 1; return status; } // Get the list of possible tokens after INPUT was read. // Returns a nonnegative. static int expected_tokens (const char *input, int *tokens, int ntokens) { YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "expected_tokens (\"%s\")", input)); user_context uctx = {1, input}; // Parse the current state of the line. yypstate *ps = yypstate_new (); int status = 0; YYLTYPE lloc = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; do { YYSTYPE lval; yytoken_kind_t token = yylex (&input, &lval, &lloc, &uctx); // Don't let the parse know when we reach the end of input. if (token == TOK_YYEOF) break; status = yypush_parse (ps, token, &lval, &lloc, &uctx); } while (status == YYPUSH_MORE); int res = 0; // If there were parse errors, don't propose completions. if (!ps->yynerrs) { // Then query for the accepted tokens at this point. res = yypstate_expected_tokens (ps, tokens, ntokens); if (res < 0) abort (); } yypstate_delete (ps); return res; } // Attempt to complete on the contents of TEXT. START and END bound // the region of rl_line_buffer that contains the word to complete. // TEXT is the word to complete. We can use the entire contents of // rl_line_buffer in case we want to do some simple parsing. Return // the array of matches, or NULL if there aren't any. static char ** completion (const char *text, int start, int end) { YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "completion (\"%.*s[%.*s]%s\")\n", start, rl_line_buffer, end - start, rl_line_buffer + start, rl_line_buffer + end)); // Get list of token numbers. int tokens[YYNTOKENS]; char *line = xstrndup (rl_line_buffer, (size_t) start); int ntokens = expected_tokens (line, tokens, YYNTOKENS); free (line); // Build MATCHES, the list of possible completions. const size_t len = strlen (text); // Need initial prefix and final NULL. char **matches = calloc ((size_t) ntokens + (size_t) symbol_count () + 2, sizeof *matches); if (!matches) abort (); int match = 1; for (int i = 0; i < ntokens; ++i) switch (tokens[i]) { case YYSYMBOL_FUN: for (symrec *s = sym_table; s; s = s->next) if (s->type == TOK_FUN && strncmp (text, s->name, len) == 0) matches[match++] = strdup (s->name); break; case YYSYMBOL_VAR: for (symrec *s = sym_table; s; s = s->next) if (s->type == TOK_VAR && strncmp (text, s->name, len) == 0) matches[match++] = strdup (s->name); break; default: { const char* token = yysymbol_name (tokens[i]); if (strncmp (text, token, len) == 0) matches[match++] = strdup (token); break; } } // Find the longest common prefix, and install it in matches[0], as // required by readline. if (match == 1) matches[0] = strdup (text); else { size_t lcplen = strlen (matches[1]); for (int i = 2; i < match && lcplen; ++i) for (size_t j = 0; j < lcplen; ++j) if (matches[1][j] != matches[i][j]) lcplen = j; matches[0] = xstrndup (matches[1], lcplen); } if (yydebug) { fprintf (stderr, "completion (\"%.*s[%.*s]%s\") = ", start, rl_line_buffer, end - start, rl_line_buffer + start, rl_line_buffer + end); for (int i = 1; matches[i]; ++i) fprintf (stderr, "%s%s", i == 1 ? "{" : ", ", matches[i]); fprintf (stderr, "}\n"); } // Don't fall back to proposing file names. rl_attempted_completion_over = 1; return matches; } static void init_readline (void) { // Allow conditional parsing of the ~/.inputrc file. rl_readline_name = "bistromathic"; // Tell the completer that we want a crack first. rl_attempted_completion_function = completion; // The basic list of characters that signal a break between words // for the completer routine. rl_basic_word_break_characters = " \t\n\"\\'`@$><=;|&{(+-*/^)"; } /*-------. | Main. | `-------*/ int main (int argc, char const* argv[]) { #if defined ENABLE_NLS && ENABLE_NLS // Set up internationalization. setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); // Use Bison's standard translation catalog for error messages // (the generated messages). bindtextdomain ("bison-runtime", BISON_LOCALEDIR); // The translation catalog of bistromathic is actually included in // Bison's. In your own project, use the name of your project. bindtextdomain ("bison", LOCALEDIR); textdomain ("bison"); #endif // Enable parse traces on option -p. if (1 < argc && strcmp (argv[1], "-p") == 0) yydebug = 1; init_table (); init_readline (); YYLTYPE lloc = {1, 1, 1, 1}; while (!done) { char *line = readline ("> "); if (!line) { // Finish the line started by the prompt. putchar ('\n'); break; } if (*line) add_history (line); process_line (&lloc, line); free (line); } }