# CrayLinuxEnvironment: loaded by users cross-compiling on a Cray front-end # node by specifying "-DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=CrayLinuxEnvironment" to cmake if(DEFINED ENV{CRAYOS_VERSION}) set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION "$ENV{CRAYOS_VERSION}") elseif(DEFINED ENV{XTOS_VERSION}) set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION "$ENV{XTOS_VERSION}") elseif(EXISTS /etc/opt/cray/release/cle-release) cmake_policy(PUSH) cmake_policy(SET CMP0159 NEW) # file(STRINGS) with REGEX updates CMAKE_MATCH_ file(STRINGS /etc/opt/cray/release/cle-release release REGEX "^RELEASE=.*") cmake_policy(POP) string(REGEX REPLACE "^RELEASE=(.*)$" "\\1" CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION "${release}") unset(release) elseif(EXISTS /etc/opt/cray/release/clerelease) file(READ /etc/opt/cray/release/clerelease CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION) endif() # Guard against multiple messages if(NOT __CrayLinuxEnvironment_message) set(__CrayLinuxEnvironment_message 1 CACHE INTERNAL "") if(NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION) message(STATUS "CrayLinuxEnvironment: Unable to determine CLE version. This platform file should only be used from inside the Cray Linux Environment for targeting compute nodes (NIDs).") else() message(STATUS "Cray Linux Environment ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION}") endif() endif() # All cray systems are x86 CPUs and have been for quite some time # Note: this may need to change in the future with 64-bit ARM set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR "x86_64") # Don't override shared lib support if it's already been set and possibly # overridden elsewhere by the CrayPrgEnv module if(NOT CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES) set(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES ".so" ".a") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY TARGET_SUPPORTS_SHARED_LIBS TRUE) endif() # The rest of this file is based on UnixPaths.cmake, adjusted for Cray # add the install directory of the running cmake to the search directories # CMAKE_ROOT is CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/share/cmake, so we need to go two levels up get_filename_component(__cmake_install_dir "${CMAKE_ROOT}" PATH) get_filename_component(__cmake_install_dir "${__cmake_install_dir}" PATH) # Note: Some Cray's have the SYSROOT_DIR variable defined, pointing to a copy # of the NIDs userland. If so, then we'll use it. Otherwise, just assume # the userland from the login node is ok # List common installation prefixes. These will be used for all # search types. list(APPEND CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH # Standard $ENV{SYSROOT_DIR}/usr/local $ENV{SYSROOT_DIR}/usr $ENV{SYSROOT_DIR}/ # CMake install location "${__cmake_install_dir}" ) if (NOT CMAKE_FIND_NO_INSTALL_PREFIX) list(APPEND CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH # Project install destination. "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" ) if(CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX) list(APPEND CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH # User-supplied staging prefix. "${CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX}" ) endif() endif() _cmake_record_install_prefix() list(APPEND CMAKE_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_PATH $ENV{SYSROOT_DIR}/usr/include/X11 ) list(APPEND CMAKE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH $ENV{SYSROOT_DIR}/usr/local/lib64 $ENV{SYSROOT_DIR}/usr/lib64 $ENV{SYSROOT_DIR}/lib64 ) list(APPEND CMAKE_PLATFORM_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES $ENV{SYSROOT_DIR}/usr/local/lib64 $ENV{SYSROOT_DIR}/usr/lib64 $ENV{SYSROOT_DIR}/lib64 ) # Enable use of lib64 search path variants by default. set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB64_PATHS TRUE)