# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying # file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. #[=======================================================================[.rst: GNUInstallDirs -------------- Define GNU standard installation directories Provides install directory variables as defined by the `GNU Coding Standards`_. .. _`GNU Coding Standards`: https://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/html_node/Directory-Variables.html Result Variables ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Inclusion of this module defines the following variables: ``CMAKE_INSTALL_`` Destination for files of a given type. This value may be passed to the ``DESTINATION`` options of :command:`install` commands for the corresponding file type. It should be a path relative to the installation prefix so that it can be converted to an absolute path in a relocatable way. While absolute paths are allowed, they are not recommended as they do not work with the ``cmake --install`` command's :option:`--prefix ` option, or with the :manual:`cpack ` installer generators. In particular, there is no need to make paths absolute by prepending :variable:`CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX`; this prefix is used by default if the DESTINATION is a relative path. ``CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_`` The absolute path generated from the corresponding ``CMAKE_INSTALL_`` value. If the value is not already an absolute path, an absolute path is constructed typically by prepending the value of the :variable:`CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` variable. However, there are some `special cases`_ as documented below. These variables shouldn't be used in :command:`install` commands as they do not work with the ``cmake --install`` command's :option:`--prefix ` option, or with the :manual:`cpack ` installer generators. where ```` is one of: ``BINDIR`` user executables (``bin``) ``SBINDIR`` system admin executables (``sbin``) ``LIBEXECDIR`` program executables (``libexec``) ``SYSCONFDIR`` read-only single-machine data (``etc``) ``SHAREDSTATEDIR`` modifiable architecture-independent data (``com``) ``LOCALSTATEDIR`` modifiable single-machine data (``var``) ``RUNSTATEDIR`` .. versionadded:: 3.9 run-time variable data (``LOCALSTATEDIR/run``) ``LIBDIR`` object code libraries (``lib`` or ``lib64``) On Debian, this may be ``lib/`` when :variable:`CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` is ``/usr``. ``INCLUDEDIR`` C header files (``include``) ``OLDINCLUDEDIR`` C header files for non-gcc (``/usr/include``) ``DATAROOTDIR`` read-only architecture-independent data root (``share``) ``DATADIR`` read-only architecture-independent data (``DATAROOTDIR``) ``INFODIR`` info documentation (``DATAROOTDIR/info``) ``LOCALEDIR`` locale-dependent data (``DATAROOTDIR/locale``) ``MANDIR`` man documentation (``DATAROOTDIR/man``) ``DOCDIR`` documentation root (``DATAROOTDIR/doc/PROJECT_NAME``) If the includer does not define a value the above-shown default will be used and the value will appear in the cache for editing by the user. Special Cases ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. versionadded:: 3.4 The following values of :variable:`CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` are special: ``/`` For ```` other than the ``SYSCONFDIR``, ``LOCALSTATEDIR`` and ``RUNSTATEDIR``, the value of ``CMAKE_INSTALL_`` is prefixed with ``usr/`` if it is not user-specified as an absolute path. For example, the ``INCLUDEDIR`` value ``include`` becomes ``usr/include``. This is required by the `GNU Coding Standards`_, which state: When building the complete GNU system, the prefix will be empty and ``/usr`` will be a symbolic link to ``/``. ``/usr`` For ```` equal to ``SYSCONFDIR``, ``LOCALSTATEDIR`` or ``RUNSTATEDIR``, the ``CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_`` is computed by prepending just ``/`` to the value of ``CMAKE_INSTALL_`` if it is not user-specified as an absolute path. For example, the ``SYSCONFDIR`` value ``etc`` becomes ``/etc``. This is required by the `GNU Coding Standards`_. ``/opt/...`` For ```` equal to ``SYSCONFDIR``, ``LOCALSTATEDIR`` or ``RUNSTATEDIR``, the ``CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_`` is computed by *appending* the prefix to the value of ``CMAKE_INSTALL_`` if it is not user-specified as an absolute path. For example, the ``SYSCONFDIR`` value ``etc`` becomes ``/etc/opt/...``. This is defined by the `Filesystem Hierarchy Standard`_. This behavior does not apply to paths under ``/opt/homebrew/...``. .. _`Filesystem Hierarchy Standard`: https://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/FHS_3.0/fhs/index.html Macros ^^^^^^ .. command:: GNUInstallDirs_get_absolute_install_dir :: GNUInstallDirs_get_absolute_install_dir(absvar var dirname) .. versionadded:: 3.7 Set the given variable ``absvar`` to the absolute path contained within the variable ``var``. This is to allow the computation of an absolute path, accounting for all the special cases documented above. While this macro is used to compute the various ``CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_`` variables, it is exposed publicly to allow users who create additional path variables to also compute absolute paths where necessary, using the same logic. ``dirname`` is the directory name to get, e.g. ``BINDIR``. .. versionchanged:: 3.20 Added the ```` parameter. Previous versions of CMake passed this value through the variable ``${dir}``. #]=======================================================================] cmake_policy(PUSH) cmake_policy(SET CMP0054 NEW) # if() quoted variables not dereferenced # Convert a cache variable to PATH type macro(_GNUInstallDirs_cache_convert_to_path var description) get_property(_GNUInstallDirs_cache_type CACHE ${var} PROPERTY TYPE) if(_GNUInstallDirs_cache_type STREQUAL "UNINITIALIZED") file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${${var}}" _GNUInstallDirs_cmakepath) set_property(CACHE ${var} PROPERTY TYPE PATH) set_property(CACHE ${var} PROPERTY VALUE "${_GNUInstallDirs_cmakepath}") set_property(CACHE ${var} PROPERTY HELPSTRING "${description}") unset(_GNUInstallDirs_cmakepath) endif() unset(_GNUInstallDirs_cache_type) endmacro() # Create a cache variable with default for a path. macro(_GNUInstallDirs_cache_path var default description) if(NOT DEFINED ${var}) set(${var} "${default}" CACHE PATH "${description}") endif() _GNUInstallDirs_cache_convert_to_path("${var}" "${description}") endmacro() # Create a cache variable with not default for a path, with a fallback # when unset; used for entries slaved to other entries such as # DATAROOTDIR. macro(_GNUInstallDirs_cache_path_fallback var default description) if(NOT ${var}) set(${var} "" CACHE PATH "${description}") set(${var} "${default}") endif() _GNUInstallDirs_cache_convert_to_path("${var}" "${description}") endmacro() # Installation directories # _GNUInstallDirs_cache_path(CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR "bin" "User executables (bin)") _GNUInstallDirs_cache_path(CMAKE_INSTALL_SBINDIR "sbin" "System admin executables (sbin)") _GNUInstallDirs_cache_path(CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBEXECDIR "libexec" "Program executables (libexec)") _GNUInstallDirs_cache_path(CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR "etc" "Read-only single-machine data (etc)") _GNUInstallDirs_cache_path(CMAKE_INSTALL_SHAREDSTATEDIR "com" "Modifiable architecture-independent data (com)") _GNUInstallDirs_cache_path(CMAKE_INSTALL_LOCALSTATEDIR "var" "Modifiable single-machine data (var)") # We check if the variable was manually set and not cached, in order to # allow projects to set the values as normal variables before including # GNUInstallDirs to avoid having the entries cached or user-editable. It # replaces the "if(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_INSTALL_XXX)" checks in all the # other cases. # If CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR is defined, if _libdir_set is false, then the # variable is a normal one, otherwise it is a cache one. get_property(_libdir_set CACHE CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR PROPERTY TYPE SET) if(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR OR (_libdir_set AND DEFINED _GNUInstallDirs_LAST_CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX AND NOT "${_GNUInstallDirs_LAST_CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}")) # If CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR is not defined, it is always executed. # Otherwise: # * if _libdir_set is false it is not executed (meaning that it is # not a cache variable) # * if _GNUInstallDirs_LAST_CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is not defined it is # not executed # * if _GNUInstallDirs_LAST_CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX and # CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX are the same string it is not executed. # _GNUInstallDirs_LAST_CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is updated after the # execution, of this part of code, therefore at the next inclusion # of the file, CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR is defined, and the 2 strings # are equal, meaning that the if is not executed the code the # second time. set(_LIBDIR_DEFAULT "lib") # Override this default 'lib' with 'lib64' iff: # - we are on Linux system but NOT cross-compiling # - we are NOT on debian # - we are NOT building for conda # - we are on a 64 bits system # reason is: amd64 ABI: https://github.com/hjl-tools/x86-psABI/wiki/X86-psABI # For Debian with multiarch, use 'lib/${CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE}' if # CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE is set (which contains e.g. "i386-linux-gnu" # and CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is "/usr" # See http://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch if(DEFINED _GNUInstallDirs_LAST_CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX) set(__LAST_LIBDIR_DEFAULT "lib") # __LAST_LIBDIR_DEFAULT is the default value that we compute from # _GNUInstallDirs_LAST_CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, not a cache entry for # the value that was last used as the default. # This value is used to figure out whether the user changed the # CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR value manually, or if the value was the # default one. When CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX changes, the value is # updated to the new default, unless the user explicitly changed it. endif() if (NOT DEFINED CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME OR NOT DEFINED CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P) message(AUTHOR_WARNING "Unable to determine default CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR directory because no target architecture is known. " "Please enable at least one language before including GNUInstallDirs.") endif() if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "^(Linux|kFreeBSD|GNU)$" AND NOT CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) unset(__system_type_for_install) if(DEFINED ENV{CONDA_BUILD} AND DEFINED ENV{PREFIX}) set(conda_prefix "$ENV{PREFIX}") cmake_path(ABSOLUTE_PATH conda_prefix NORMALIZE) if("${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" STREQUAL conda_prefix) set(__system_type_for_install "conda") endif() elseif(DEFINED ENV{CONDA_PREFIX}) set(conda_prefix "$ENV{CONDA_PREFIX}") cmake_path(ABSOLUTE_PATH conda_prefix NORMALIZE) if("${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" STREQUAL conda_prefix AND NOT ("${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" MATCHES "^/usr/?$" OR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" MATCHES "^/usr/local/?$")) set(__system_type_for_install "conda") endif() endif() if(NOT __system_type_for_install) if (EXISTS "/etc/alpine-release") set(__system_type_for_install "alpine") elseif (EXISTS "/etc/arch-release") set(__system_type_for_install "arch linux") elseif (EXISTS "/etc/debian_version") set(__system_type_for_install "debian") endif() endif() if(__system_type_for_install STREQUAL "debian") if(CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE) if("${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" MATCHES "^/usr/?$") set(_LIBDIR_DEFAULT "lib/${CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE}") endif() if(DEFINED _GNUInstallDirs_LAST_CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX AND "${_GNUInstallDirs_LAST_CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" MATCHES "^/usr/?$") set(__LAST_LIBDIR_DEFAULT "lib/${CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE}") endif() endif() elseif(NOT DEFINED __system_type_for_install) # not debian, alpine, arch, or conda so rely on CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P: if("${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P}" EQUAL "8") set(_LIBDIR_DEFAULT "lib64") if(DEFINED _GNUInstallDirs_LAST_CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX) set(__LAST_LIBDIR_DEFAULT "lib64") endif() endif() endif() endif() unset(__system_type_for_install) if(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR "${_LIBDIR_DEFAULT}" CACHE PATH "Object code libraries (${_LIBDIR_DEFAULT})") elseif(DEFINED __LAST_LIBDIR_DEFAULT AND "${__LAST_LIBDIR_DEFAULT}" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") set_property(CACHE CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR PROPERTY VALUE "${_LIBDIR_DEFAULT}") endif() endif() _GNUInstallDirs_cache_convert_to_path(CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR "Object code libraries (lib)") # Save for next run set(_GNUInstallDirs_LAST_CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" CACHE INTERNAL "CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX during last run") unset(_libdir_set) unset(__LAST_LIBDIR_DEFAULT) _GNUInstallDirs_cache_path(CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR "include" "C header files (include)") _GNUInstallDirs_cache_path(CMAKE_INSTALL_OLDINCLUDEDIR "/usr/include" "C header files for non-gcc (/usr/include)") _GNUInstallDirs_cache_path(CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR "share" "Read-only architecture-independent data root (share)") #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Values whose defaults are relative to DATAROOTDIR. Store empty values in # the cache and store the defaults in local variables if the cache values are # not set explicitly. This auto-updates the defaults as DATAROOTDIR changes. _GNUInstallDirs_cache_path_fallback(CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}" "Read-only architecture-independent data (DATAROOTDIR)") if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "^(([^kF].*)?BSD|DragonFly)$") _GNUInstallDirs_cache_path_fallback(CMAKE_INSTALL_INFODIR "info" "Info documentation (info)") else() _GNUInstallDirs_cache_path_fallback(CMAKE_INSTALL_INFODIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/info" "Info documentation (DATAROOTDIR/info)") endif() if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "^(([^k].*)?BSD|DragonFly)$" AND NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "^(FreeBSD)$") _GNUInstallDirs_cache_path_fallback(CMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR "man" "Man documentation (man)") else() _GNUInstallDirs_cache_path_fallback(CMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/man" "Man documentation (DATAROOTDIR/man)") endif() _GNUInstallDirs_cache_path_fallback(CMAKE_INSTALL_LOCALEDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/locale" "Locale-dependent data (DATAROOTDIR/locale)") _GNUInstallDirs_cache_path_fallback(CMAKE_INSTALL_DOCDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/doc/${PROJECT_NAME}" "Documentation root (DATAROOTDIR/doc/PROJECT_NAME)") _GNUInstallDirs_cache_path_fallback(CMAKE_INSTALL_RUNSTATEDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LOCALSTATEDIR}/run" "Run-time variable data (LOCALSTATEDIR/run)") #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mark_as_advanced( CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR CMAKE_INSTALL_SBINDIR CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBEXECDIR CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR CMAKE_INSTALL_SHAREDSTATEDIR CMAKE_INSTALL_LOCALSTATEDIR CMAKE_INSTALL_RUNSTATEDIR CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR CMAKE_INSTALL_OLDINCLUDEDIR CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR CMAKE_INSTALL_INFODIR CMAKE_INSTALL_LOCALEDIR CMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR CMAKE_INSTALL_DOCDIR ) macro(GNUInstallDirs_get_absolute_install_dir absvar var) set(GGAID_extra_args ${ARGN}) list(LENGTH GGAID_extra_args GGAID_extra_arg_count) if(GGAID_extra_arg_count GREATER "0") list(GET GGAID_extra_args 0 GGAID_dir) else() # Historical behavior: use ${dir} from caller's scope set(GGAID_dir "${dir}") message(AUTHOR_WARNING "GNUInstallDirs_get_absolute_install_dir called without third argument. " "Using \${dir} from the caller's scope for compatibility with CMake 3.19 and below.") endif() if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${${var}}") # Handle special cases: # - CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX == / # - CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX == /usr # - CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX == /opt/... if("${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" STREQUAL "/") if("${GGAID_dir}" STREQUAL "SYSCONFDIR" OR "${GGAID_dir}" STREQUAL "LOCALSTATEDIR" OR "${GGAID_dir}" STREQUAL "RUNSTATEDIR") set(${absvar} "/${${var}}") else() if (NOT "${${var}}" MATCHES "^usr/") set(${var} "usr/${${var}}") endif() set(${absvar} "/${${var}}") endif() elseif("${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" MATCHES "^/usr/?$") if("${GGAID_dir}" STREQUAL "SYSCONFDIR" OR "${GGAID_dir}" STREQUAL "LOCALSTATEDIR" OR "${GGAID_dir}" STREQUAL "RUNSTATEDIR") set(${absvar} "/${${var}}") else() set(${absvar} "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${${var}}") endif() elseif("${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" MATCHES "^/opt/" AND NOT "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" MATCHES "^/opt/homebrew/") if("${GGAID_dir}" STREQUAL "SYSCONFDIR" OR "${GGAID_dir}" STREQUAL "LOCALSTATEDIR" OR "${GGAID_dir}" STREQUAL "RUNSTATEDIR") set(${absvar} "/${${var}}${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") else() set(${absvar} "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${${var}}") endif() else() set(${absvar} "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${${var}}") endif() else() set(${absvar} "${${var}}") endif() unset(GGAID_dir) unset(GGAID_extra_arg_count) unset(GGAID_extra_args) endmacro() # Result directories # foreach(dir BINDIR SBINDIR LIBEXECDIR SYSCONFDIR SHAREDSTATEDIR LOCALSTATEDIR RUNSTATEDIR LIBDIR INCLUDEDIR OLDINCLUDEDIR DATAROOTDIR DATADIR INFODIR LOCALEDIR MANDIR DOCDIR ) GNUInstallDirs_get_absolute_install_dir(CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_${dir} CMAKE_INSTALL_${dir} ${dir}) endforeach() cmake_policy(POP)