cmake_policy(VERSION 3.25) # Determine the remote URL of the project containing the working_directory. # This will leave output_variable unset if the URL can't be determined. function(_ep_get_git_remote_url output_variable working_directory) set("${output_variable}" "" PARENT_SCOPE) find_package(Git QUIET REQUIRED) execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} symbolic-ref --short HEAD WORKING_DIRECTORY "${working_directory}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE git_symbolic_ref OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ERROR_QUIET ) if(NOT git_symbolic_ref STREQUAL "") # We are potentially on a branch. See if that branch is associated with # an upstream remote (might be just a local one or not a branch at all). execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} config branch.${git_symbolic_ref}.remote WORKING_DIRECTORY "${working_directory}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE git_remote_name OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ERROR_QUIET ) endif() if(NOT git_remote_name) # Can't select a remote based on a branch. If there's only one remote, # or we have multiple remotes but one is called "origin", choose that. execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} remote WORKING_DIRECTORY "${working_directory}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE git_remote_list OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ERROR_QUIET ) string(REPLACE "\n" ";" git_remote_list "${git_remote_list}") list(LENGTH git_remote_list git_remote_list_length) if(git_remote_list_length EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "Git remote not found in parent project.") elseif(git_remote_list_length EQUAL 1) list(GET git_remote_list 0 git_remote_name) else() set(base_warning_msg "Multiple git remotes found for parent project") if("origin" IN_LIST git_remote_list) message(WARNING "${base_warning_msg}, defaulting to origin.") set(git_remote_name "origin") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "${base_warning_msg}, none of which are origin.") endif() endif() endif() if(GIT_VERSION VERSION_LESS 1.7.5) set(_git_remote_url_cmd_args config remote.${git_remote_name}.url) elseif(GIT_VERSION VERSION_LESS 2.7) set(_git_remote_url_cmd_args ls-remote --get-url ${git_remote_name}) else() set(_git_remote_url_cmd_args remote get-url ${git_remote_name}) endif() execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} ${_git_remote_url_cmd_args} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${working_directory}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE git_remote_url OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE COMMAND_ERROR_IS_FATAL LAST ENCODING UTF-8 # Needed to handle non-ascii characters in local paths ) set("${output_variable}" "${git_remote_url}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(_ep_is_relative_git_remote output_variable remote_url) if(remote_url MATCHES "^\\.\\./") set("${output_variable}" TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) else() set("${output_variable}" FALSE PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() # Return an absolute remote URL given an existing remote URL and relative path. # The output_variable will be set to an empty string if an absolute URL # could not be computed (no error message is output). function(_ep_resolve_relative_git_remote output_variable parent_remote_url relative_remote_url ) set("${output_variable}" "" PARENT_SCOPE) if(parent_remote_url STREQUAL "") return() endif() string(REGEX MATCH "^(([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9+.-]*)://)?(([^/@]+)@)?(\\[[A-Za-z0-9:]+\\]|[^/:]+)?([/:]/?)(.+(\\.git)?/?)$" git_remote_url_components "${parent_remote_url}" ) set(protocol "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") set(auth "${CMAKE_MATCH_3}") set(host "${CMAKE_MATCH_5}") set(separator "${CMAKE_MATCH_6}") set(path "${CMAKE_MATCH_7}") string(REPLACE "/" ";" remote_path_components "${path}") string(REPLACE "/" ";" relative_path_components "${relative_remote_url}") foreach(relative_path_component IN LISTS relative_path_components) if(NOT relative_path_component STREQUAL "..") break() endif() list(LENGTH remote_path_components remote_path_component_count) if(remote_path_component_count LESS 1) return() endif() list(POP_BACK remote_path_components) list(POP_FRONT relative_path_components) endforeach() list(APPEND final_path_components ${remote_path_components} ${relative_path_components}) list(JOIN final_path_components "/" path) set("${output_variable}" "${protocol}${auth}${host}${separator}${path}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # The output_variable will be set to the original git_repository if it # could not be resolved (no error message is output). The original value is # also returned if it doesn't need to be resolved. function(_ep_resolve_git_remote output_variable git_repository cmp0150 cmp0150_old_base_dir ) if(git_repository STREQUAL "") set("${output_variable}" "" PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() _ep_is_relative_git_remote(_git_repository_is_relative "${git_repository}") if(NOT _git_repository_is_relative) set("${output_variable}" "${git_repository}" PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() if(cmp0150 STREQUAL "NEW") _ep_get_git_remote_url(_parent_git_remote_url "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}") _ep_resolve_relative_git_remote(_resolved_git_remote_url "${_parent_git_remote_url}" "${git_repository}") if(_resolved_git_remote_url STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to resolve relative git remote URL:\n" " Relative URL: ${git_repository}\n" " Parent URL: ${_parent_git_remote_url}" ) endif() set("${output_variable}" "${_resolved_git_remote_url}" PARENT_SCOPE) return() elseif(cmp0150 STREQUAL "") cmake_policy(GET_WARNING CMP0150 _cmp0150_warning) message(AUTHOR_WARNING "${_cmp0150_warning}\n" "A relative GIT_REPOSITORY path was detected. " "This will be interpreted as a local path to where the project is being cloned. " "Set GIT_REPOSITORY to an absolute path or set policy CMP0150 to NEW to avoid " "this warning." ) endif() set("${output_variable}" "${cmp0150_old_base_dir}/${git_repository}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() macro(_ep_get_hash_algos out_var) set(${out_var} MD5 SHA1 SHA224 SHA256 SHA384 SHA512 SHA3_224 SHA3_256 SHA3_384 SHA3_512 ) endmacro() macro(_ep_get_hash_regex out_var) _ep_get_hash_algos(${out_var}) list(JOIN ${out_var} "|" ${out_var}) set(${out_var} "^(${${out_var}})=([0-9A-Fa-f]+)$") endmacro() function(_ep_parse_arguments_to_vars f keywords name ns args ) # Transfer the arguments into variables in the calling scope. # Because some keywords can be repeated, we can't use cmake_parse_arguments(). # Instead, we loop through the args and consider the namespace starting with # an upper-case letter followed by at least two more upper-case letters, # numbers or underscores to be keywords. foreach(key IN LISTS keywords) unset(${ns}${key}) endforeach() set(key) foreach(arg IN LISTS args) set(is_value 1) if(arg MATCHES "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_][A-Z0-9_]+$" AND NOT (("x${arg}x" STREQUAL "x${key}x") AND ("x${key}x" STREQUAL "xCOMMANDx")) AND NOT arg MATCHES "^(TRUE|FALSE|YES)$") if(arg IN_LIST keywords) set(is_value 0) endif() endif() if(is_value) if(key) # Value list(APPEND ${ns}${key} "${arg}") else() # Missing Keyword message(AUTHOR_WARNING "value '${arg}' with no previous keyword in ${f}" ) endif() else() set(key "${arg}") endif() endforeach() foreach(key IN LISTS keywords) if(DEFINED ${ns}${key}) set(${ns}${key} "${${ns}${key}}" PARENT_SCOPE) else() unset(${ns}${key} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endforeach() endfunction() # NOTE: This cannot be a macro because that will evaluate anything that looks # like a CMake variable in any of the args. function(_ep_parse_arguments f keywords name ns args ) _ep_parse_arguments_to_vars( "${f}" "${keywords}" ${name} ${ns} "${args}" ) foreach(key IN LISTS keywords) if(DEFINED ${ns}${key}) set(${ns}${key} "${${ns}${key}}" PARENT_SCOPE) else() unset(${ns}${key} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endforeach() # Transfer the arguments to the target as target properties. These are # read by the various steps, potentially from different scopes. foreach(key IN LISTS keywords) if(DEFINED ${ns}${key}) set_property(TARGET ${name} PROPERTY ${ns}${key} "${${ns}${key}}") endif() endforeach() endfunction() function(_ep_get_tls_version name tls_version_var) # Note that the arguments are assumed to have already been parsed and have # been translated into variables with the prefix _EP_... by a call to # ep_parse_arguments() or ep_parse_arguments_to_vars(). set(tls_version_regex "^1\\.[0-3]$") set(tls_version "${_EP_TLS_VERSION}") if(NOT "x${tls_version}" STREQUAL "x") if(NOT tls_version MATCHES "${tls_version_regex}") message(FATAL_ERROR "TLS_VERSION '${tls_version}' not known") endif() elseif(NOT "x${CMAKE_TLS_VERSION}" STREQUAL "x") set(tls_version "${CMAKE_TLS_VERSION}") if(NOT tls_version MATCHES "${tls_version_regex}") message(FATAL_ERROR "CMAKE_TLS_VERSION '${tls_version}' not known") endif() elseif(NOT "x$ENV{CMAKE_TLS_VERSION}" STREQUAL "x") set(tls_version "$ENV{CMAKE_TLS_VERSION}") if(NOT tls_version MATCHES "${tls_version_regex}") message(FATAL_ERROR "ENV{CMAKE_TLS_VERSION} '${tls_version}' not known") endif() endif() set("${tls_version_var}" "${tls_version}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(_ep_get_tls_verify name tls_verify_var) # Note that the arguments are assumed to have already been parsed and have # been translated into variables with the prefix _EP_... by a call to # ep_parse_arguments() or ep_parse_arguments_to_vars(). set(tls_verify "${_EP_TLS_VERIFY}") if("x${tls_verify}" STREQUAL "x") if(NOT "x${CMAKE_TLS_VERIFY}" STREQUAL "x") set(tls_verify "${CMAKE_TLS_VERIFY}") elseif(NOT "x$ENV{CMAKE_TLS_VERIFY}" STREQUAL "x") set(tls_verify "$ENV{CMAKE_TLS_VERIFY}") endif() endif() set("${tls_verify_var}" "${tls_verify}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(_ep_get_tls_cainfo name tls_cainfo_var) # Note that the arguments are assumed to have already been parsed and have # been translated into variables with the prefix _EP_... by a call to # ep_parse_arguments() or ep_parse_arguments_to_vars(). set(tls_cainfo "${_EP_TLS_CAINFO}") if("x${tls_cainfo}" STREQUAL "x" AND DEFINED CMAKE_TLS_CAINFO) set(tls_cainfo "${CMAKE_TLS_CAINFO}") endif() set("${tls_cainfo_var}" "${tls_cainfo}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(_ep_get_netrc name netrc_var) # Note that the arguments are assumed to have already been parsed and have # been translated into variables with the prefix _EP_... by a call to # ep_parse_arguments() or ep_parse_arguments_to_vars(). set(netrc "${_EP_NETRC}") if("x${netrc}" STREQUAL "x" AND DEFINED CMAKE_NETRC) set(netrc "${CMAKE_NETRC}") endif() set("${netrc_var}" "${netrc}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(_ep_get_netrc_file name netrc_file_var) # Note that the arguments are assumed to have already been parsed and have # been translated into variables with the prefix _EP_... by a call to # ep_parse_arguments() or ep_parse_arguments_to_vars(). set(netrc_file "${_EP_NETRC_FILE}") if("x${netrc_file}" STREQUAL "x" AND DEFINED CMAKE_NETRC_FILE) set(netrc_file "${CMAKE_NETRC_FILE}") endif() set("${netrc_file_var}" "${netrc_file}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(_ep_write_gitclone_script script_filename source_dir git_EXECUTABLE git_repository git_tag git_remote_name init_submodules git_submodules_recurse git_submodules git_shallow git_progress git_config src_name work_dir gitclone_infofile gitclone_stampfile tls_version tls_verify ) if(NOT GIT_VERSION_STRING VERSION_LESS 1.8.5) # Use `git checkout --` to avoid ambiguity with a local path. set(git_checkout_explicit-- "--") else() # Use `git checkout ` even though this risks ambiguity with a # local path. Unfortunately we cannot use `git checkout --` # because that will not search for remote branch names, a common use case. set(git_checkout_explicit-- "") endif() if("${git_tag}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Tag for git checkout should not be empty.") endif() if(GIT_VERSION_STRING VERSION_LESS 2.20 OR 2.21 VERSION_LESS_EQUAL GIT_VERSION_STRING) set(git_clone_options "--no-checkout") else() set(git_clone_options) endif() if(git_shallow) if(NOT GIT_VERSION_STRING VERSION_LESS 1.7.10) list(APPEND git_clone_options "--depth 1 --no-single-branch") else() list(APPEND git_clone_options "--depth 1") endif() endif() if(git_progress) list(APPEND git_clone_options --progress) endif() foreach(config IN LISTS git_config) list(APPEND git_clone_options --config \"${config}\") endforeach() if(NOT ${git_remote_name} STREQUAL "origin") list(APPEND git_clone_options --origin \"${git_remote_name}\") endif() # The clone config option is sticky, it will apply to all subsequent git # update operations. The submodules config option is not sticky, because # git doesn't provide any way to do that. Thus, we will have to pass the # same config option in the update step too for submodules, but not for # the main git repo. set(git_submodules_config_options "") if(NOT "x${tls_version}" STREQUAL "x") list(APPEND git_clone_options -c http.sslVersion=tlsv${tls_version}) list(APPEND git_submodules_config_options -c http.sslVersion=tlsv${tls_version}) endif() if(NOT "x${tls_verify}" STREQUAL "x") if(tls_verify) # Default git behavior is "true", but the user might have changed the # global default to "false". Since TLS_VERIFY was given, ensure we honor # the specified setting regardless of what the global default might be. list(APPEND git_clone_options -c http.sslVerify=true) list(APPEND git_submodules_config_options -c http.sslVerify=true) else() list(APPEND git_clone_options -c http.sslVerify=false) list(APPEND git_submodules_config_options -c http.sslVerify=false) endif() endif() string (REPLACE ";" " " git_clone_options "${git_clone_options}") configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR}/ ${script_filename} @ONLY ) endfunction() function(_ep_write_hgclone_script script_filename source_dir hg_EXECUTABLE hg_repository hg_tag src_name work_dir hgclone_infofile hgclone_stampfile ) if("${hg_tag}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Tag for hg checkout should not be empty.") endif() configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR}/ ${script_filename} @ONLY ) endfunction() function(_ep_write_gitupdate_script script_filename git_EXECUTABLE git_tag git_remote_name init_submodules git_submodules_recurse git_submodules git_repository work_dir git_update_strategy tls_version tls_verify ) if("${git_tag}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Tag for git checkout should not be empty.") endif() set(git_stash_save_options --quiet) if(GIT_VERSION_STRING VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 1.7.7) # This avoids stashing files covered by .gitignore list(APPEND git_stash_save_options --include-untracked) elseif(GIT_VERSION_STRING VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 1.7.6) # Untracked files, but also ignored files, so potentially slower list(APPEND git_stash_save_options --all) endif() # The submodules config option is not sticky, git doesn't provide any way # to do that. We have to pass this config option for the update step too. # We don't need to set it for the non-submodule update because it gets # recorded as part of the clone operation in a sticky manner. set(git_submodules_config_options "") if(NOT "x${tls_version}" STREQUAL "x") list(APPEND git_submodules_config_options -c http.sslVersion=tlsv${tls_version}) endif() if(NOT "x${tls_verify}" STREQUAL "x") if(tls_verify) # Default git behavior is "true", but the user might have changed the # global default to "false". Since TLS_VERIFY was given, ensure we honor # the specified setting regardless of what the global default might be. list(APPEND git_submodules_config_options -c http.sslVerify=true) else() list(APPEND git_submodules_config_options -c http.sslVerify=false) endif() endif() configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR}/" "${script_filename}" @ONLY ) endfunction() function(_ep_write_downloadfile_script script_filename REMOTE LOCAL timeout inactivity_timeout no_progress hash tls_version tls_verify tls_cainfo userpwd http_headers netrc netrc_file ) if("x${REMOTE}" STREQUAL "x") message(FATAL_ERROR "REMOTE can't be empty") endif() if("x${LOCAL}" STREQUAL "x") message(FATAL_ERROR "LOCAL can't be empty") endif() # REMOTE could contain special characters that parse as separate arguments. # Things like parentheses are legitimate characters in a URL, but would be # seen as the start of a new unquoted argument by the cmake language parser. # Avoid those special cases by preparing quoted strings for direct inclusion # in the foreach() call that iterates over the set of URLs in REMOTE. set(REMOTE "[====[${REMOTE}]====]") string(REPLACE ";" "]====] [====[" REMOTE "${REMOTE}") if(timeout) set(TIMEOUT_ARGS TIMEOUT ${timeout}) set(TIMEOUT_MSG "${timeout} seconds") else() set(TIMEOUT_ARGS "# no TIMEOUT") set(TIMEOUT_MSG "none") endif() if(inactivity_timeout) set(INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT_ARGS INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT ${inactivity_timeout}) set(INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT_MSG "${inactivity_timeout} seconds") else() set(INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT_ARGS "# no INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT") set(INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT_MSG "none") endif() if(no_progress) set(SHOW_PROGRESS "") else() set(SHOW_PROGRESS "SHOW_PROGRESS") endif() _ep_get_hash_regex(_ep_hash_regex) if("${hash}" MATCHES "${_ep_hash_regex}") set(ALGO "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") string(TOLOWER "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}" EXPECT_VALUE) else() set(ALGO "") set(EXPECT_VALUE "") endif() set(TLS_VERSION_CODE "") if(NOT "x${tls_version}" STREQUAL "x") set(TLS_VERSION_CODE "set(CMAKE_TLS_VERSION \"${tls_version}\")") endif() set(TLS_VERIFY_CODE "") if(NOT "x${tls_verify}" STREQUAL "x") set(TLS_VERIFY_CODE "set(CMAKE_TLS_VERIFY \"${tls_verify}\")") endif() set(TLS_CAINFO_CODE "") if(NOT "x${tls_cainfo}" STREQUAL "x") set(TLS_CAINFO_CODE "set(CMAKE_TLS_CAINFO \"${tls_cainfo}\")") endif() set(NETRC_CODE "") if(NOT "x${netrc}" STREQUAL "x") set(NETRC_CODE "set(CMAKE_NETRC \"${netrc}\")") endif() set(NETRC_FILE_CODE "") if(NOT "x${netrc_file}" STREQUAL "x") set(NETRC_FILE_CODE "set(CMAKE_NETRC_FILE \"${netrc_file}\")") endif() if(userpwd STREQUAL ":") set(USERPWD_ARGS) else() set(USERPWD_ARGS USERPWD "${userpwd}") endif() set(HTTP_HEADERS_ARGS "") if(NOT http_headers STREQUAL "") foreach(header IN LISTS http_headers) string(PREPEND HTTP_HEADERS_ARGS "HTTPHEADER \"${header}\"\n " ) endforeach() endif() # Used variables: # * TLS_VERSION_CODE # * TLS_VERIFY_CODE # * TLS_CAINFO_CODE # * ALGO # * EXPECT_VALUE # * REMOTE # * LOCAL # * SHOW_PROGRESS # * TIMEOUT_ARGS # * TIMEOUT_MSG # * USERPWD_ARGS # * HTTP_HEADERS_ARGS configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR}/" "${script_filename}" @ONLY ) endfunction() function(_ep_write_verifyfile_script script_filename LOCAL hash ) _ep_get_hash_regex(_ep_hash_regex) if("${hash}" MATCHES "${_ep_hash_regex}") set(ALGO "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") string(TOLOWER "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}" EXPECT_VALUE) else() set(ALGO "") set(EXPECT_VALUE "") endif() # Used variables: # * ALGO # * EXPECT_VALUE # * LOCAL configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR}/" "${script_filename}" @ONLY ) endfunction() function(_ep_write_extractfile_script script_filename name filename directory options ) set(args "") if(filename MATCHES "(\\.|=)(7z|tar\\.bz2|tar\\.gz|tar\\.xz|tbz2|tgz|txz|zip)$") set(args xfz) endif() if(filename MATCHES "(\\.|=)tar$") set(args xf) endif() if(args STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Do not know how to extract '${filename}' -- known types are: " ".7z, .tar, .tar.bz2, .tar.gz, .tar.xz, .tbz2, .tgz, .txz and .zip" ) endif() configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR}/" "${script_filename}" @ONLY ) endfunction() function(_ep_is_dir_empty dir empty_var) file(GLOB gr "${dir}/*") if("${gr}" STREQUAL "") set(${empty_var} 1 PARENT_SCOPE) else() set(${empty_var} 0 PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() function(_ep_get_git_submodules_recurse git_submodules_recurse) # Checks for GIT_SUBMODULES_RECURSE argument. Default is ON, which sets # git_submodules_recurse output variable to "--recursive". Otherwise, the # output variable is set to an empty value "". # Note that the arguments are assumed to have already been parsed and have # been translated into variables with the prefix _EP_... by a call to # ep_parse_arguments() or ep_parse_arguments_to_vars(). if(NOT DEFINED _EP_GIT_SUBMODULES_RECURSE) set(recurseFlag "--recursive") else() if(_EP_GIT_SUBMODULES_RECURSE) set(recurseFlag "--recursive") else() set(recurseFlag "") endif() endif() set(${git_submodules_recurse} "${recurseFlag}" PARENT_SCOPE) # The git submodule update '--recursive' flag requires git >= v1.6.5 if(recurseFlag AND GIT_VERSION_STRING VERSION_LESS 1.6.5) message(FATAL_ERROR "git version 1.6.5 or later required for --recursive flag with " "'git submodule ...': GIT_VERSION_STRING='${GIT_VERSION_STRING}'" ) endif() endfunction() function(_ep_add_script_commands script_var work_dir cmd) # We only support a subset of what ep_replace_location_tags() handles set(location_tags SOURCE_DIR SOURCE_SUBDIR BINARY_DIR TMP_DIR DOWNLOAD_DIR DOWNLOADED_FILE ) # There can be multiple COMMANDs, but we have to split those up to # one command per call to execute_process() string(CONCAT execute_process_cmd "execute_process(\n" " WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${work_dir}\"\n" " COMMAND_ERROR_IS_FATAL LAST\n" ) cmake_language(GET_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL active_log_level) if(active_log_level MATCHES "VERBOSE|DEBUG|TRACE") string(APPEND execute_process_cmd " COMMAND_ECHO STDOUT\n") endif() string(APPEND execute_process_cmd " COMMAND ") string(APPEND ${script_var} "${execute_process_cmd}") foreach(cmd_arg IN LISTS cmd) if(cmd_arg STREQUAL "COMMAND") string(APPEND ${script_var} "\n)\n${execute_process_cmd}") else() if(_EP_LIST_SEPARATOR) string(REPLACE "${_EP_LIST_SEPARATOR}" "\\;" cmd_arg "${cmd_arg}") endif() foreach(dir IN LISTS location_tags) string(REPLACE "<${dir}>" "${_EP_${dir}}" cmd_arg "${cmd_arg}") endforeach() string(APPEND ${script_var} " [====[${cmd_arg}]====]") endif() endforeach() string(APPEND ${script_var} "\n)") set(${script_var} "${${script_var}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(_ep_add_download_command name) set(noValueOptions ) set(singleValueOptions SCRIPT_FILE # These should only be used by FetchContent DEPENDS_VARIABLE # ) set(multiValueOptions ) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 1 arg "${noValueOptions}" "${singleValueOptions}" "${multiValueOptions}" ) # The various _EP_... variables mentioned here and throughout this function # are expected to already have been set by the caller via a call to # _ep_parse_arguments() or ep_parse_arguments_to_vars(). Other variables # with different names are assigned to for historical reasons only to keep # the code more readable and minimize change. set(source_dir "${_EP_SOURCE_DIR}") set(stamp_dir "${_EP_STAMP_DIR}") set(download_dir "${_EP_DOWNLOAD_DIR}") set(tmp_dir "${_EP_TMP_DIR}") set(cmd "${_EP_DOWNLOAD_COMMAND}") set(cvs_repository "${_EP_CVS_REPOSITORY}") set(svn_repository "${_EP_SVN_REPOSITORY}") set(git_repository "${_EP_GIT_REPOSITORY}") set(hg_repository "${_EP_HG_REPOSITORY}") set(url "${_EP_URL}") set(fname "${_EP_DOWNLOAD_NAME}") # TODO: Perhaps file:// should be copied to download dir before extraction. string(REGEX REPLACE "file://" "" url "${url}") set(step_script_contents) set(depends) set(comment) set(work_dir) set(extra_repo_info) if(DEFINED _EP_DOWNLOAD_COMMAND) set(work_dir ${download_dir}) set(method custom) if(NOT "x${cmd}" STREQUAL "x" AND arg_SCRIPT_FILE) _ep_add_script_commands( step_script_contents "${work_dir}" "${cmd}" # Must be a single quoted argument ) endif() elseif(cvs_repository) set(method cvs) find_package(CVS QUIET) if(NOT CVS_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "error: could not find cvs for checkout of ${name}") endif() set(cvs_module "${_EP_CVS_MODULE}") if(NOT cvs_module) message(FATAL_ERROR "error: no CVS_MODULE") endif() set(cvs_tag "${_EP_CVS_TAG}") get_filename_component(src_name "${source_dir}" NAME) get_filename_component(work_dir "${source_dir}" PATH) set(comment "Performing download step (CVS checkout) for '${name}'") set(cmd ${CVS_EXECUTABLE} -d ${cvs_repository} -q co ${cvs_tag} -d ${src_name} ${cvs_module} ) if(arg_SCRIPT_FILE) _ep_add_script_commands( step_script_contents "${work_dir}" "${cmd}" # Must be a single quoted argument ) endif() elseif(svn_repository) set(method svn) find_package(Subversion QUIET) if(NOT Subversion_SVN_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "error: could not find svn for checkout of ${name}") endif() set(svn_revision "${_EP_SVN_REVISION}") set(svn_username "${_EP_SVN_USERNAME}") set(svn_password "${_EP_SVN_PASSWORD}") set(svn_trust_cert "${_EP_SVN_TRUST_CERT}") set(uses_terminal "${_EP_USES_TERMINAL_DOWNLOAD}") # The --trust-server-cert option requires --non-interactive if(uses_terminal AND NOT svn_trust_cert) set(svn_interactive_args "") else() set(svn_interactive_args "--non-interactive") endif() get_filename_component(src_name "${source_dir}" NAME) get_filename_component(work_dir "${source_dir}" PATH) set(comment "Performing download step (SVN checkout) for '${name}'") set(svn_user_pw_args "") if(DEFINED _EP_SVN_USERNAME) set(svn_user_pw_args ${svn_user_pw_args} "--username=${svn_username}") endif() if(DEFINED _EP_SVN_PASSWORD) set(svn_user_pw_args ${svn_user_pw_args} "--password=${svn_password}") endif() if(svn_trust_cert) set(svn_trust_cert_args --trust-server-cert) endif() set(cmd ${Subversion_SVN_EXECUTABLE} co ${svn_repository} ${svn_revision} ${svn_interactive_args} ${svn_trust_cert_args} ${svn_user_pw_args} ${src_name} ) if(arg_SCRIPT_FILE) _ep_add_script_commands( step_script_contents "${work_dir}" "${cmd}" # Must be a single quoted argument ) endif() elseif(git_repository) set(method git) # FetchContent gives us these directly, so don't try to recompute them if(NOT GIT_EXECUTABLE OR NOT GIT_VERSION_STRING) unset(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH) # Use CMake builtin find module find_package(Git QUIET) if(NOT GIT_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "error: could not find git for clone of ${name}") endif() endif() _ep_get_git_submodules_recurse(git_submodules_recurse) set(git_tag "${_EP_GIT_TAG}") if(NOT git_tag) set(git_tag "master") endif() set(git_init_submodules TRUE) if(DEFINED _EP_GIT_SUBMODULES) set(git_submodules "${_EP_GIT_SUBMODULES}") if(git_submodules STREQUAL "" AND _EP_CMP0097 STREQUAL "NEW") set(git_init_submodules FALSE) endif() endif() set(git_remote_name "${_EP_GIT_REMOTE_NAME}") if(NOT git_remote_name) set(git_remote_name "origin") endif() _ep_get_tls_version(${name} tls_version) _ep_get_tls_verify(${name} tls_verify) set(git_shallow "${_EP_GIT_SHALLOW}") set(git_progress "${_EP_GIT_PROGRESS}") set(git_config "${_EP_GIT_CONFIG}") # If git supports it, make checkouts quiet when checking out a git hash. # This avoids the very noisy detached head message. if(GIT_VERSION_STRING VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 1.7.7) list(PREPEND git_config advice.detachedHead=false) endif() # The command doesn't expose any details, so we need to record additional # information in the RepositoryInfo.txt file. For the download step, only # the things specifically affecting the clone operation should be recorded. # If the repo changes, the clone script should be run again. # But if only the tag changes, avoid running the clone script again. # Let the 'always' running update step checkout the new tag. # set(extra_repo_info "repository=${git_repository} remote=${git_remote_name} init_submodules=${git_init_submodules} recurse_submodules=${git_submodules_recurse} submodules=${git_submodules} CMP0097=${_EP_CMP0097} ") get_filename_component(src_name "${source_dir}" NAME) get_filename_component(work_dir "${source_dir}" PATH) # Since git clone doesn't succeed if the non-empty source_dir exists, # create a cmake script to invoke as download command. # The script will delete the source directory and then call git clone. # set(clone_script ${tmp_dir}/${name}-gitclone.cmake) _ep_write_gitclone_script( ${clone_script} ${source_dir} ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} ${git_repository} ${git_tag} ${git_remote_name} ${git_init_submodules} "${git_submodules_recurse}" "${git_submodules}" "${git_shallow}" "${git_progress}" "${git_config}" ${src_name} ${work_dir} ${stamp_dir}/${name}-gitinfo.txt ${stamp_dir}/${name}-gitclone-lastrun.txt "${tls_version}" "${tls_verify}" ) set(comment "Performing download step (git clone) for '${name}'") set(cmd ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=VERBOSE -P ${clone_script} ) if(arg_SCRIPT_FILE) set(step_script_contents "include(\"${clone_script}\")") list(APPEND depends ${clone_script}) endif() elseif(hg_repository) set(method hg) find_package(Hg QUIET) if(NOT HG_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "error: could not find hg for clone of ${name}") endif() set(hg_tag "${_EP_HG_TAG}") if(NOT hg_tag) set(hg_tag "tip") endif() # The command doesn't expose any details, so we need to record additional # information in the RepositoryInfo.txt file. For the download step, only # the things specifically affecting the clone operation should be recorded. # If the repo changes, the clone script should be run again. # But if only the tag changes, avoid running the clone script again. # Let the 'always' running update step checkout the new tag. # set(extra_repo_info "repository=${hg_repository}") get_filename_component(src_name "${source_dir}" NAME) get_filename_component(work_dir "${source_dir}" PATH) # Since hg clone doesn't succeed if the non-empty source_dir exists, # create a cmake script to invoke as download command. # The script will delete the source directory and then call hg clone. # set(clone_script ${tmp_dir}/${name}-hgclone.cmake) _ep_write_hgclone_script( ${clone_script} ${source_dir} ${HG_EXECUTABLE} ${hg_repository} ${hg_tag} ${src_name} ${work_dir} ${stamp_dir}/${name}-hginfo.txt ${stamp_dir}/${name}-hgclone-lastrun.txt ) set(comment "Performing download step (hg clone) for '${name}'") set(cmd ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=VERBOSE -P ${clone_script} ) if(arg_SCRIPT_FILE) set(step_script_contents "include(\"${clone_script}\")") list(APPEND depends ${clone_script}) endif() elseif(url) set(method url) get_filename_component(work_dir "${source_dir}" PATH) set(hash "${_EP_URL_HASH}") _ep_get_hash_regex(_ep_hash_regex) if(hash AND NOT "${hash}" MATCHES "${_ep_hash_regex}") _ep_get_hash_algos(_ep_hash_algos) list(JOIN _ep_hash_algos "|" _ep_hash_algos) message(FATAL_ERROR "URL_HASH is set to\n" " ${hash}\n" "but must be ALGO=value where ALGO is\n" " ${_ep_hash_algos}\n" "and value is a hex string." ) endif() set(md5 "${_EP_URL_MD5}") if(md5 AND NOT "MD5=${md5}" MATCHES "${_ep_hash_regex}") message(FATAL_ERROR "URL_MD5 is set to\n" " ${md5}\n" "but must be a hex string." ) endif() if(md5 AND NOT hash) set(hash "MD5=${md5}") endif() set(extra_repo_info "url(s)=${url} hash=${hash} ") list(LENGTH url url_list_length) if(NOT "${url_list_length}" STREQUAL "1") foreach(entry IN LISTS url) if(NOT "${entry}" MATCHES "^[a-z]+://") message(FATAL_ERROR "At least one entry of URL is a path (invalid in a list)" ) endif() endforeach() if("x${fname}" STREQUAL "x") list(GET url 0 fname) endif() endif() if(IS_DIRECTORY "${url}") get_filename_component(abs_dir "${url}" ABSOLUTE) set(comment "Performing download step (DIR copy) for '${name}'") set(cmd ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E rm -rf ${source_dir} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory ${abs_dir} ${source_dir} ) if(arg_SCRIPT_FILE) # While it may be tempting to implement the two operations directly # with file(), the behavior is different. file(COPY) preserves input # file timestamps, which we don't want. Therefore, still use the same # external commands so that we get the same behavior. _ep_add_script_commands( step_script_contents "${work_dir}" "${cmd}" # Must be a single quoted argument ) endif() else() set(no_extract "${_EP_DOWNLOAD_NO_EXTRACT}") string(APPEND extra_repo_info "no_extract=${no_extract}\n") set(verify_script "${stamp_dir}/verify-${name}.cmake") if("${url}" MATCHES "^[a-z]+://") # TODO: Should download and extraction be different steps? if("x${fname}" STREQUAL "x") set(fname "${url}") endif() set(ext_regex [[7z|tar|tar\.bz2|tar\.gz|tar\.xz|tbz2|tgz|txz|zip]]) if("${fname}" MATCHES "([^/\\?#]+(\\.|=)(${ext_regex}))([/?#].*)?$") set(fname "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") elseif(no_extract) get_filename_component(fname "${fname}" NAME) else() # Fall back to a default file name. The actual file name does not # matter because it is used only internally and our extraction tool # inspects the file content directly. If it turns out the wrong URL # was given that will be revealed during the build which is an easier # place for users to diagnose than an error here anyway. set(fname "archive.tar") endif() string(REPLACE ";" "-" fname "${fname}") set(file ${download_dir}/${fname}) set(timeout "${_EP_TIMEOUT}") set(inactivity_timeout "${_EP_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT}") set(no_progress "${_EP_DOWNLOAD_NO_PROGRESS}") _ep_get_tls_version(${name} tls_version) _ep_get_tls_verify(${name} tls_verify) _ep_get_tls_cainfo(${name} tls_cainfo) _ep_get_netrc(${name} netrc) _ep_get_netrc_file(${name} netrc_file) set(http_username "${_EP_HTTP_USERNAME}") set(http_password "${_EP_HTTP_PASSWORD}") set(http_headers "${_EP_HTTP_HEADER}") set(download_script "${stamp_dir}/download-${name}.cmake") _ep_write_downloadfile_script( "${download_script}" "${url}" "${file}" "${timeout}" "${inactivity_timeout}" "${no_progress}" "${hash}" "${tls_version}" "${tls_verify}" "${tls_cainfo}" "${http_username}:${http_password}" "${http_headers}" "${netrc}" "${netrc_file}" ) set(cmd ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=VERBOSE -P "${download_script}" COMMAND ) if(arg_SCRIPT_FILE) set(step_script_contents "include(\"${download_script}\")\n") endif() if (no_extract) set(steps "download and verify") else () set(steps "download, verify and extract") endif () set(comment "Performing download step (${steps}) for '${name}'") # already verified by 'download_script' # We use file(CONFIGURE) instead of file(WRITE) to avoid updating the # timestamp when the file already existed and was empty. file(CONFIGURE OUTPUT "${verify_script}" CONTENT "") # Rather than adding everything to the RepositoryInfo.txt file, it is # more robust to just depend on the download script. That way, we will # re-download if any aspect of the download changes. list(APPEND depends "${download_script}") else() set(file "${url}") if (no_extract) set(steps "verify") else () set(steps "verify and extract") endif () set(comment "Performing download step (${steps}) for '${name}'") _ep_write_verifyfile_script( "${verify_script}" "${file}" "${hash}" ) endif() list(APPEND cmd ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=VERBOSE -P ${verify_script} ) if(arg_SCRIPT_FILE) string(APPEND step_script_contents "include(\"${verify_script}\")\n") list(APPEND depends ${verify_script}) endif() set(extract_timestamp "${_EP_DOWNLOAD_EXTRACT_TIMESTAMP}") if(no_extract) if(DEFINED _EP_DOWNLOAD_EXTRACT_TIMESTAMP) message(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot specify DOWNLOAD_EXTRACT_TIMESTAMP when using " "DOWNLOAD_NO_EXTRACT TRUE" ) endif() if(arg_SCRIPT_FILE) # There's no target to record the location of the downloaded file. # Instead, we copy it to the source directory within the script, # which is what FetchContent always does in this situation. cmake_path(SET safe_file NORMALIZE "${file}") cmake_path(GET safe_file FILENAME filename) string(APPEND step_script_contents "file(COPY_FILE\n" " \"${file}\"\n" " \"${source_dir}/${filename}\"\n" " ONLY_IF_DIFFERENT\n" " INPUT_MAY_BE_RECENT\n" ")" ) list(APPEND depends ${source_dir}/${filename}) else() set_property(TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_DOWNLOADED_FILE ${file}) endif() else() if(NOT DEFINED _EP_DOWNLOAD_EXTRACT_TIMESTAMP) # Default depends on policy CMP0135 if(_EP_CMP0135 STREQUAL "") message(AUTHOR_WARNING "The DOWNLOAD_EXTRACT_TIMESTAMP option was not given and policy " "CMP0135 is not set. The policy's OLD behavior will be used. " "When using a URL download, the timestamps of extracted files " "should preferably be that of the time of extraction, otherwise " "code that depends on the extracted contents might not be " "rebuilt if the URL changes. The OLD behavior preserves the " "timestamps from the archive instead, but this is usually not " "what you want. Update your project to the NEW behavior or " "specify the DOWNLOAD_EXTRACT_TIMESTAMP option with a value of " "true to avoid this robustness issue." ) set(extract_timestamp TRUE) elseif(_EP_CMP0135 STREQUAL "NEW") set(extract_timestamp FALSE) else() set(extract_timestamp TRUE) endif() endif() if(extract_timestamp) set(options "") else() set(options "--touch") endif() set(extract_script "${stamp_dir}/extract-${name}.cmake") _ep_write_extractfile_script( "${extract_script}" "${name}" "${file}" "${source_dir}" "${options}" ) list(APPEND cmd COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=VERBOSE -P ${extract_script} ) if(arg_SCRIPT_FILE) string(APPEND step_script_contents "include(\"${extract_script}\")\n") list(APPEND depends ${extract_script}) endif() endif () endif() else() set(method source_dir) _ep_is_dir_empty("${source_dir}" empty) if(${empty}) message(FATAL_ERROR "No download info given for '${name}' and its source directory:\n" " ${source_dir}\n" "is not an existing non-empty directory. Please specify one of:\n" " * SOURCE_DIR with an existing non-empty directory\n" " * DOWNLOAD_COMMAND\n" " * URL\n" " * GIT_REPOSITORY\n" " * SVN_REPOSITORY\n" " * HG_REPOSITORY\n" " * CVS_REPOSITORY and CVS_MODULE" ) endif() if(arg_SCRIPT_FILE) set(step_script_contents "message(VERBOSE [[Using SOURCE_DIR as is]])") endif() endif() # We use configure_file() to write the repo_info_file so that the file's # timestamp is not updated if we don't change the contents set(repo_info_file ${stamp_dir}/${name}-${method}info.txt) list(APPEND depends ${repo_info_file}) configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR}/" "${repo_info_file}" @ONLY ) if(arg_SCRIPT_FILE) set(step_name download) configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR}/" "${arg_SCRIPT_FILE}" @ONLY ) set(${arg_DEPENDS_VARIABLE} "${depends}" PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() # Nothing below this point is applicable when we've been asked to put the # download step in a script file (which is the FetchContent case). if(_EP_LOG_DOWNLOAD) set(log LOG 1) else() set(log "") endif() if(_EP_USES_TERMINAL_DOWNLOAD) set(uses_terminal USES_TERMINAL 1) else() set(uses_terminal "") endif() set(__cmdQuoted) foreach(__item IN LISTS cmd) string(APPEND __cmdQuoted " [==[${__item}]==]") endforeach() cmake_language(EVAL CODE " ExternalProject_Add_Step(\${name} download INDEPENDENT TRUE COMMENT \${comment} COMMAND ${__cmdQuoted} WORKING_DIRECTORY \${work_dir} DEPENDS \${depends} DEPENDEES mkdir ${log} ${uses_terminal} )" ) endfunction() function(_ep_get_update_disconnected var name) # Note that the arguments are assumed to have already been parsed and have # been translated into variables with the prefix _EP_... by a call to # ep_parse_arguments() or ep_parse_arguments_to_vars(). if(DEFINED _EP_UPDATE_DISCONNECTED) set(update_disconnected "${_EP_UPDATE_DISCONNECTED}") else() get_property(update_disconnected DIRECTORY PROPERTY EP_UPDATE_DISCONNECTED ) endif() set(${var} "${update_disconnected}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(_ep_add_update_command name) set(noValueOptions ) set(singleValueOptions SCRIPT_FILE # These should only be used by FetchContent DEPEND_VARIABLE # ) set(multiValueOptions ) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 1 arg "${noValueOptions}" "${singleValueOptions}" "${multiValueOptions}" ) # The various _EP_... variables mentioned here and throughout this function # are expected to already have been set by the caller via a call to # _ep_parse_arguments() or ep_parse_arguments_to_vars(). Other variables # with different names are assigned to for historical reasons only to keep # the code more readable and minimize change. set(source_dir "${_EP_SOURCE_DIR}") set(stamp_dir "${_EP_STAMP_DIR}") set(tmp_dir "${_EP_TMP_DIR}") set(cmd "${_EP_UPDATE_COMMAND}") set(cvs_repository "${_EP_CVS_REPOSITORY}") set(svn_repository "${_EP_SVN_REPOSITORY}") set(git_repository "${_EP_GIT_REPOSITORY}") set(hg_repository "${_EP_HG_REPOSITORY}") _ep_get_update_disconnected(update_disconnected ${name}) set(work_dir) set(comment) set(always) set(file_deps) if(DEFINED _EP_UPDATE_COMMAND) set(work_dir ${source_dir}) if(NOT "x${cmd}" STREQUAL "x") set(always 1) _ep_add_script_commands( step_script_contents "${work_dir}" "${cmd}" # Must be a single quoted argument ) endif() elseif(cvs_repository) if(NOT CVS_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "error: could not find cvs for update of ${name}") endif() set(work_dir ${source_dir}) set(comment "Performing update step (CVS update) for '${name}'") set(cvs_tag "${_EP_CVS_TAG}") set(cmd ${CVS_EXECUTABLE} -d ${cvs_repository} -q up -dP ${cvs_tag}) set(always 1) if(arg_SCRIPT_FILE) _ep_add_script_commands( step_script_contents "${work_dir}" "${cmd}" # Must be a single quoted argument ) endif() elseif(svn_repository) if(NOT Subversion_SVN_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "error: could not find svn for update of ${name}") endif() set(work_dir ${source_dir}) set(comment "Performing update step (SVN update) for '${name}'") set(svn_revision "${_EP_SVN_REVISION}") set(svn_username "${_EP_SVN_USERNAME}") set(svn_password "${_EP_SVN_PASSWORD}") set(svn_trust_cert "${_EP_SVN_TRUST_CERT}") set(uses_terminal "${_EP_USES_TERMINAL_UPDATE}") # The --trust-server-cert option requires --non-interactive if(uses_terminal AND NOT svn_trust_cert) set(svn_interactive_args "") else() set(svn_interactive_args "--non-interactive") endif() set(svn_user_pw_args "") if(DEFINED _EP_SVN_USERNAME) set(svn_user_pw_args ${svn_user_pw_args} "--username=${svn_username}") endif() if(DEFINED _EP_SVN_PASSWORD) set(svn_user_pw_args ${svn_user_pw_args} "--password=${svn_password}") endif() if(svn_trust_cert) set(svn_trust_cert_args --trust-server-cert) endif() set(cmd ${Subversion_SVN_EXECUTABLE} up ${svn_revision} ${svn_interactive_args} ${svn_trust_cert_args} ${svn_user_pw_args} ) set(always 1) if(arg_SCRIPT_FILE) _ep_add_script_commands( step_script_contents "${work_dir}" "${cmd}" # Must be a single quoted argument ) endif() elseif(git_repository) # FetchContent gives us these directly, so don't try to recompute them if(NOT GIT_EXECUTABLE OR NOT GIT_VERSION_STRING) unset(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH) # Use CMake builtin find module find_package(Git QUIET) if(NOT GIT_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "error: could not find git for fetch of ${name}") endif() endif() set(work_dir ${source_dir}) set(comment "Performing update step for '${name}'") set(comment_disconnected "Performing disconnected update step for '${name}'") if(update_disconnected) set(can_fetch_default NO) else() set(can_fetch_default YES) endif() set(git_tag "${_EP_GIT_TAG}") if(NOT git_tag) set(git_tag "master") endif() set(git_remote_name "${_EP_GIT_REMOTE_NAME}") if(NOT git_remote_name) set(git_remote_name "origin") endif() set(git_init_submodules TRUE) if(DEFINED _EP_GIT_SUBMODULES) set(git_submodules "${_EP_GIT_SUBMODULES}") if(git_submodules STREQUAL "" AND _EP_CMP0097 STREQUAL "NEW") set(git_init_submodules FALSE) endif() endif() set(git_update_strategy "${_EP_GIT_REMOTE_UPDATE_STRATEGY}") if(NOT git_update_strategy) set(git_update_strategy "${CMAKE_EP_GIT_REMOTE_UPDATE_STRATEGY}") endif() if(NOT git_update_strategy) set(git_update_strategy REBASE) endif() set(strategies CHECKOUT REBASE REBASE_CHECKOUT) if(NOT git_update_strategy IN_LIST strategies) message(FATAL_ERROR "'${git_update_strategy}' is not one of the supported strategies: " "${strategies}" ) endif() _ep_get_git_submodules_recurse(git_submodules_recurse) _ep_get_tls_version(${name} tls_version) _ep_get_tls_verify(${name} tls_verify) set(update_script "${tmp_dir}/${name}-gitupdate.cmake") list(APPEND file_deps ${update_script}) _ep_write_gitupdate_script( "${update_script}" "${GIT_EXECUTABLE}" "${git_tag}" "${git_remote_name}" "${git_init_submodules}" "${git_submodules_recurse}" "${git_submodules}" "${git_repository}" "${work_dir}" "${git_update_strategy}" "${tls_version}" "${tls_verify}" ) set(cmd ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -Dcan_fetch=YES -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=VERBOSE -P ${update_script} ) set(cmd_disconnected ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -Dcan_fetch=NO -DCMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL=VERBOSE -P ${update_script} ) set(always 1) if(arg_SCRIPT_FILE) set(step_script_contents "include(\"${update_script}\")") endif() elseif(hg_repository) if(NOT HG_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "error: could not find hg for pull of ${name}") endif() set(work_dir ${source_dir}) set(comment "Performing update step (hg pull) for '${name}'") set(comment_disconnected "Performing disconnected update step for '${name}'") set(hg_tag "${_EP_HG_TAG}") if(NOT hg_tag) set(hg_tag "tip") endif() if("${HG_VERSION_STRING}" STREQUAL "2.1") set(notesAnchor "#A2.1.1:_revert_pull_return_code_change.2C_compile_issue_on_OS_X" ) message(WARNING "Mercurial 2.1 does not distinguish an empty pull from a failed pull:${notesAnchor} Update to Mercurial >= 2.1.1. ") endif() set(cmd ${HG_EXECUTABLE} pull COMMAND ${HG_EXECUTABLE} update ${hg_tag} ) set(cmd_disconnected ${HG_EXECUTABLE} update ${hg_tag}) set(always 1) if(arg_SCRIPT_FILE) # These commands are simple, and we know whether updates need to be # disconnected or not for this case, so write them directly instead of # forming them from "cmd" and "cmd_disconnected". if(NOT update_disconnected) string(APPEND step_script_contents "execute_process(\n" " WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${work_dir}\"\n" " COMMAND_ERROR_IS_FATAL LAST\n" " COMMAND \"${HG_EXECUTABLE}\" pull\n" ")" ) endif() string(APPEND step_script_contents "execute_process(\n" " WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${work_dir}\"\n" " COMMAND_ERROR_IS_FATAL LAST\n" " COMMAND \"${HG_EXECUTABLE}\" update \"${hg_tag}\"\n" ")" ) endif() endif() # We use configure_file() to write the update_info_file so that the file's # timestamp is not updated if we don't change the contents if(NOT DEFINED cmd_disconnected) set(cmd_disconnected "${cmd}") endif() set(update_info_file ${stamp_dir}/${name}-update-info.txt) list(APPEND file_deps ${update_info_file}) configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR}/" "${update_info_file}" @ONLY ) if(arg_SCRIPT_FILE) set(step_name update) configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR}/" "${arg_SCRIPT_FILE}" @ONLY ) set(${arg_DEPENDS_VARIABLE} "${file_deps}" PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() # Nothing below this point is applicable when we've been asked to put the # update step in a script file (which is the FetchContent case). if(_EP_LOG_UPDATE) set(log LOG 1) else() set(log "") endif() if(_EP_USES_TERMINAL_UPDATE) set(uses_terminal USES_TERMINAL 1) else() set(uses_terminal "") endif() set(__cmdQuoted) foreach(__item IN LISTS cmd) string(APPEND __cmdQuoted " [==[${__item}]==]") endforeach() cmake_language(EVAL CODE " ExternalProject_Add_Step(${name} update INDEPENDENT TRUE COMMENT \${comment} COMMAND ${__cmdQuoted} ALWAYS \${always} EXCLUDE_FROM_MAIN \${update_disconnected} WORKING_DIRECTORY \${work_dir} DEPENDEES download DEPENDS \${file_deps} ${log} ${uses_terminal} )" ) if(update_disconnected) if(NOT DEFINED comment_disconnected) set(comment_disconnected "${comment}") endif() set(__cmdQuoted) foreach(__item IN LISTS cmd_disconnected) string(APPEND __cmdQuoted " [==[${__item}]==]") endforeach() cmake_language(EVAL CODE " ExternalProject_Add_Step(${name} update_disconnected INDEPENDENT TRUE COMMENT \${comment_disconnected} COMMAND ${__cmdQuoted} WORKING_DIRECTORY \${work_dir} DEPENDEES download DEPENDS \${file_deps} ${log} ${uses_terminal} )" ) endif() endfunction() function(_ep_add_patch_command name) set(noValueOptions ) set(singleValueOptions SCRIPT_FILE # These should only be used by FetchContent ) set(multiValueOptions ) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 1 arg "${noValueOptions}" "${singleValueOptions}" "${multiValueOptions}" ) # The various _EP_... variables mentioned here and throughout this function # are expected to already have been set by the caller via a call to # _ep_parse_arguments() or ep_parse_arguments_to_vars(). Other variables # with different names are assigned to for historical reasons only to keep # the code more readable and minimize change. set(source_dir "${_EP_SOURCE_DIR}") set(stamp_dir "${_EP_STAMP_DIR}") set(cmd "${_EP_PATCH_COMMAND}") set(step_script_contents "") set(work_dir) if(DEFINED _EP_PATCH_COMMAND) set(work_dir ${source_dir}) if(arg_SCRIPT_FILE) _ep_add_script_commands( step_script_contents "${work_dir}" "${cmd}" # Must be a single quoted argument ) endif() endif() # We use configure_file() to write the patch_info_file so that the file's # timestamp is not updated if we don't change the contents set(patch_info_file ${stamp_dir}/${name}-patch-info.txt) configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR}/" "${patch_info_file}" @ONLY ) if(arg_SCRIPT_FILE) set(step_name patch) configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR}/" "${arg_SCRIPT_FILE}" @ONLY ) return() endif() # Nothing below this point is applicable when we've been asked to put the # patch step in a script file (which is the FetchContent case). if(_EP_LOG_PATCH) set(log LOG 1) else() set(log "") endif() if(_EP_USES_TERMINAL_PATCH) set(uses_terminal USES_TERMINAL 1) else() set(uses_terminal "") endif() _ep_get_update_disconnected(update_disconnected ${name}) set(__cmdQuoted) foreach(__item IN LISTS cmd) string(APPEND __cmdQuoted " [==[${__item}]==]") endforeach() cmake_language(EVAL CODE " ExternalProject_Add_Step(${name} patch INDEPENDENT TRUE COMMAND ${__cmdQuoted} WORKING_DIRECTORY \${work_dir} EXCLUDE_FROM_MAIN \${update_disconnected} DEPENDEES update DEPENDS \${patch_info_file} ${log} ${uses_terminal} )" ) if(update_disconnected) cmake_language(EVAL CODE " ExternalProject_Add_Step(${name} patch_disconnected INDEPENDENT TRUE COMMAND ${__cmdQuoted} WORKING_DIRECTORY \${work_dir} DEPENDEES update_disconnected DEPENDS \${patch_info_file} ${log} ${uses_terminal} )" ) endif() endfunction() macro(_ep_get_add_keywords out_var) set(${out_var} # # Directory options # PREFIX TMP_DIR STAMP_DIR LOG_DIR DOWNLOAD_DIR SOURCE_DIR BINARY_DIR INSTALL_DIR # # Download step options # DOWNLOAD_COMMAND # URL URL_HASH URL_MD5 DOWNLOAD_NAME DOWNLOAD_EXTRACT_TIMESTAMP DOWNLOAD_NO_EXTRACT DOWNLOAD_NO_PROGRESS TIMEOUT INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT HTTP_USERNAME HTTP_PASSWORD HTTP_HEADER TLS_VERSION # Also used for git clone operations TLS_VERIFY # Also used for git clone operations TLS_CAINFO NETRC NETRC_FILE # GIT_REPOSITORY GIT_TAG GIT_REMOTE_NAME GIT_SUBMODULES GIT_SUBMODULES_RECURSE GIT_SHALLOW GIT_PROGRESS GIT_CONFIG GIT_REMOTE_UPDATE_STRATEGY # SVN_REPOSITORY SVN_REVISION SVN_USERNAME SVN_PASSWORD SVN_TRUST_CERT # HG_REPOSITORY HG_TAG # CVS_REPOSITORY CVS_MODULE CVS_TAG # # Update step options # UPDATE_COMMAND UPDATE_DISCONNECTED # # Patch step options # PATCH_COMMAND # # Configure step options # CONFIGURE_COMMAND CMAKE_COMMAND CMAKE_GENERATOR CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET CMAKE_GENERATOR_INSTANCE CMAKE_ARGS CMAKE_CACHE_ARGS CMAKE_CACHE_DEFAULT_ARGS SOURCE_SUBDIR CONFIGURE_HANDLED_BY_BUILD # # Build step options # BUILD_COMMAND BUILD_IN_SOURCE BUILD_ALWAYS BUILD_BYPRODUCTS BUILD_JOB_SERVER_AWARE # # Install step options # INSTALL_COMMAND INSTALL_BYPRODUCTS # # Test step options # TEST_COMMAND TEST_BEFORE_INSTALL TEST_AFTER_INSTALL TEST_EXCLUDE_FROM_MAIN # # Logging options # LOG_DOWNLOAD LOG_UPDATE LOG_PATCH LOG_CONFIGURE LOG_BUILD LOG_INSTALL LOG_TEST LOG_MERGED_STDOUTERR LOG_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE # # Terminal access options # USES_TERMINAL_DOWNLOAD USES_TERMINAL_UPDATE USES_TERMINAL_PATCH USES_TERMINAL_CONFIGURE USES_TERMINAL_BUILD USES_TERMINAL_INSTALL USES_TERMINAL_TEST # # Target options # DEPENDS EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL STEP_TARGETS INDEPENDENT_STEP_TARGETS # # Miscellaneous options # LIST_SEPARATOR # # Internal options (undocumented) # EXTERNALPROJECT_INTERNAL_ARGUMENT_SEPARATOR ) endmacro()