# Guard against multiple inclusions if(__cmake_craype_crayprgenv) return() endif() set(__cmake_craype_crayprgenv 1) # CrayPrgEnv: loaded when compiling through the Cray compiler wrapper. # The compiler wrapper can run on a front-end node or a compute node. cmake_policy(PUSH) cmake_policy(SET CMP0057 NEW) # if IN_LIST # One-time setup of the craype environment. First, check the wrapper config. # The wrapper's selection of a compiler (gcc, clang, intel, etc.) and # default include/library paths is selected using the "module" command. # The CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE environment variable partly controls if static # or dynamic binaries are generated (see __cmake_craype_linktype below). # Running cmake and then changing module and/or linktype configuration # may cause build problems (since the data in the cmake cache may no # longer be correct after the change). We can look for this and warn # the user about it. Second, use the "module" provided PKG_CONFIG_PATH-like # environment variable to add additional prefixes to the system prefix # path. function(__cmake_craype_setupenv) if(NOT DEFINED __cmake_craype_setupenv_done) # only done once per run set(__cmake_craype_setupenv_done 1 PARENT_SCOPE) unset(__cmake_check) set(CMAKE_CRAYPE_LINKTYPE "$ENV{CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE}" CACHE STRING "saved value of CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE environment variable") set(CMAKE_CRAYPE_LOADEDMODULES "$ENV{LOADEDMODULES}" CACHE STRING "saved value of LOADEDMODULES environment variable") mark_as_advanced(CMAKE_CRAYPE_LINKTYPE CMAKE_CRAYPE_LOADEDMODULES) if (NOT "${CMAKE_CRAYPE_LINKTYPE}" STREQUAL "$ENV{CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE}") string(APPEND __cmake_check "CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE ") endif() if (NOT "${CMAKE_CRAYPE_LOADEDMODULES}" STREQUAL "$ENV{LOADEDMODULES}") string(APPEND __cmake_check "LOADEDMODULES ") endif() if(DEFINED __cmake_check) message(STATUS "NOTE: ${__cmake_check}changed since initial config!") message(STATUS "NOTE: this may cause unexpected build errors.") endif() # loop over variables of interest foreach(pkgcfgvar PKG_CONFIG_PATH PKG_CONFIG_PATH_DEFAULT PE_PKG_CONFIG_PATH) file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{${pkgcfgvar}}" pkgcfg) foreach(path ${pkgcfg}) string(REGEX REPLACE "(.*)/lib[^/]*/pkgconfig$" "\\1" path "${path}") if(NOT "${path}" STREQUAL "" AND NOT "${path}" IN_LIST CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH) list(APPEND CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH "${path}") endif() endforeach() endforeach() # push it up out of this function into the parent scope set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH}" PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() # The wrapper disables dynamic linking by default. Dynamic linking is # enabled either by setting $ENV{CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE} to "dynamic" or by # specifying "-dynamic" to the wrapper when linking. Specifying "-static" # to the wrapper when linking takes priority over $ENV{CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE}. # Furthermore, if you specify multiple "-dynamic" and "-static" flags to # the wrapper when linking, the last one will win. In this case, the # wrapper will also print a warning like: # Warning: -dynamic was already seen on command line, overriding with -static. # # note that cmake applies both CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS and CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS # (in that order) to the linking command, so -dynamic can appear in either # variable. # # Note: As of CrayPE v19.06 (which translates to the craype/2.6.0 module) # the default has changed and is now dynamic by default. This is handled # accordingly function(__cmake_craype_linktype lang rv) # start with ENV, but allow flags to override if(("$ENV{CRAYPE_VERSION}" STREQUAL "") OR ("$ENV{CRAYPE_VERSION}" VERSION_LESS "2.6")) if("$ENV{CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE}" STREQUAL "dynamic") set(linktype dynamic) else() set(linktype static) endif() else() if("$ENV{CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE}" STREQUAL "static") set(linktype static) else() set(linktype dynamic) endif() endif() # combine flags and convert to a list so we can apply the flags in order set(linkflags "${CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS}") string(REPLACE " " ";" linkflags "${linkflags}") foreach(flag IN LISTS linkflags) if("${flag}" STREQUAL "-dynamic") set(linktype dynamic) elseif("${flag}" STREQUAL "-static") set(linktype static) endif() endforeach() set(${rv} ${linktype} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() macro(__CrayPrgEnv_setup lang) if(DEFINED ENV{CRAYPE_VERSION}) message(STATUS "Cray Programming Environment $ENV{CRAYPE_VERSION} ${lang}") elseif(DEFINED ENV{ASYNCPE_VERSION}) message(STATUS "Cray XT Programming Environment $ENV{ASYNCPE_VERSION} ${lang}") else() message(STATUS "Cray Programming Environment (unknown version) ${lang}") endif() # setup the craype environment __cmake_craype_setupenv() # Flags for the Cray wrappers set(CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_LINK_${lang}_FLAGS "-static") set(CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_CREATE_${lang}_FLAGS "-shared") set(CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_LINK_${lang}_FLAGS "-dynamic") # determine linktype from environment and compiler flags __cmake_craype_linktype(${lang} __cmake_craype_${lang}_linktype) # switch off shared libs if we get a static linktype if("${__cmake_craype_${lang}_linktype}" STREQUAL "static") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY TARGET_SUPPORTS_SHARED_LIBS FALSE) set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS FALSE CACHE BOOL "") set(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES ".a") set(CMAKE_LINK_SEARCH_START_STATIC TRUE) endif() endmacro() cmake_policy(POP)