# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying # file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. #[=======================================================================[.rst: CSharpUtilities --------------- .. versionadded:: 3.8 Functions to make configuration of CSharp/.NET targets easier. A collection of CMake utility functions useful for dealing with CSharp targets for Visual Studio generators from version 2010 and later. The following functions are provided by this module: **Main functions** - :command:`csharp_set_windows_forms_properties` - :command:`csharp_set_designer_cs_properties` - :command:`csharp_set_xaml_cs_properties` **Helper functions** - :command:`csharp_get_filename_keys` - :command:`csharp_get_filename_key_base` - :command:`csharp_get_dependentupon_name` Main functions provided by the module ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. command:: csharp_set_windows_forms_properties Sets source file properties for use of Windows Forms. Use this, if your CSharp target uses Windows Forms:: csharp_set_windows_forms_properties([ [ [...]]]) ```` List of all source files which are relevant for setting the :prop_sf:`VS_CSHARP_` properties (including ``.cs``, ``.resx`` and ``.Designer.cs`` extensions). In the list of all given files for all files ending with ``.Designer.cs`` and ``.resx`` is searched. For every *designer* or *resource* file a file with the same base name but only ``.cs`` as extension is searched. If this is found, the :prop_sf:`VS_CSHARP_` properties are set as follows: for the **.cs** file: - VS_CSHARP_SubType "Form" for the **.Designer.cs** file (if it exists): - VS_CSHARP_DependentUpon - VS_CSHARP_DesignTime "" (delete tag if previously defined) - VS_CSHARP_AutoGen ""(delete tag if previously defined) for the **.resx** file (if it exists): - VS_RESOURCE_GENERATOR "" (delete tag if previously defined) - VS_CSHARP_DependentUpon - VS_CSHARP_SubType "Designer" .. command:: csharp_set_designer_cs_properties Sets source file properties of ``.Designer.cs`` files depending on sibling filenames. Use this, if your CSharp target does **not** use Windows Forms (for Windows Forms use :command:`csharp_set_windows_forms_properties` instead):: csharp_set_designer_cs_properties([ [ [...]]]) ```` List of all source files which are relevant for setting the :prop_sf:`VS_CSHARP_` properties (including ``.cs``, ``.resx``, ``.settings`` and ``.Designer.cs`` extensions). In the list of all given files for all files ending with ``.Designer.cs`` is searched. For every *designer* file all files with the same base name but different extensions are searched. If a match is found, the source file properties of the *designer* file are set depending on the extension of the matched file: if match is **.resx** file: - VS_CSHARP_AutoGen "True" - VS_CSHARP_DesignTime "True" - VS_CSHARP_DependentUpon if match is **.cs** file: - VS_CSHARP_DependentUpon if match is **.settings** file: - VS_CSHARP_AutoGen "True" - VS_CSHARP_DesignTimeSharedInput "True" - VS_CSHARP_DependentUpon .. note:: Because the source file properties of the ``.Designer.cs`` file are set according to the found matches and every match sets the **VS_CSHARP_DependentUpon** property, there should only be one match for each ``Designer.cs`` file. .. command:: csharp_set_xaml_cs_properties Sets source file properties for use of Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and XAML. Use this, if your CSharp target uses WPF/XAML:: csharp_set_xaml_cs_properties([ [ [...]]]) ```` List of all source files which are relevant for setting the :prop_sf:`VS_CSHARP_` properties (including ``.cs``, ``.xaml``, and ``.xaml.cs`` extensions). In the list of all given files for all files ending with ``.xaml.cs`` is searched. For every *xaml-cs* file, a file with the same base name but extension ``.xaml`` is searched. If a match is found, the source file properties of the ``.xaml.cs`` file are set: - VS_CSHARP_DependentUpon Helper functions which are used by the above ones ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. command:: csharp_get_filename_keys Helper function which computes a list of key values to identify source files independently of relative/absolute paths given in cmake and eliminates case sensitivity:: csharp_get_filename_keys(OUT [ [ [...]]]) ``OUT`` Name of the variable in which the list of keys is stored ```` filename(s) as given to CSharp target using :command:`add_library` or :command:`add_executable` In some way the function applies a canonicalization to the source names. This is necessary to find file matches if the files have been added to the target with different directory prefixes: .. code-block:: cmake add_library(lib myfile.cs ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/myfile.Designer.cs) set_source_files_properties(myfile.Designer.cs PROPERTIES VS_CSHARP_DependentUpon myfile.cs) # this will fail, because in cmake # - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/myfile.Designer.cs # - myfile.Designer.cs # are not the same source file. The source file property is not set. .. command:: csharp_get_filename_key_base Returns the full filepath and name **without** extension of a key. KEY is expected to be a key from csharp_get_filename_keys. In BASE the value of KEY without the file extension is returned:: csharp_get_filename_key_base(BASE KEY) ``BASE`` Name of the variable with the computed "base" of ``KEY``. ``KEY`` The key of which the base will be computed. Expected to be a upper case full filename. .. command:: csharp_get_dependentupon_name Computes a string which can be used as value for the source file property :prop_sf:`VS_CSHARP_` with *target* being ``DependentUpon``:: csharp_get_dependentupon_name(NAME FILE) ``NAME`` Name of the variable with the result value ``FILE`` Filename to convert to ```` value Actually this is only the filename without any path given at the moment. #]=======================================================================] cmake_policy(PUSH) cmake_policy(SET CMP0057 NEW) # if IN_LIST function(csharp_get_filename_keys OUT) set(${OUT} "") foreach(f ${ARGN}) get_filename_component(f ${f} REALPATH) string(TOUPPER ${f} f) list(APPEND ${OUT} ${f}) endforeach() set(${OUT} "${${OUT}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(csharp_get_filename_key_base base key) get_filename_component(dir ${key} DIRECTORY) get_filename_component(fil ${key} NAME_WE) set(${base} "${dir}/${fil}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(csharp_get_dependentupon_name out in) get_filename_component(${out} ${in} NAME) set(${out} ${${out}} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(csharp_set_windows_forms_properties) csharp_get_filename_keys(fileKeys ${ARGN}) foreach(key ${fileKeys}) get_filename_component(ext ${key} EXT) if(${ext} STREQUAL ".DESIGNER.CS" OR ${ext} STREQUAL ".RESX") csharp_get_filename_key_base(NAME_BASE ${key}) list(FIND fileKeys "${NAME_BASE}.CS" FILE_INDEX) if(NOT ${FILE_INDEX} EQUAL -1) list(GET ARGN ${FILE_INDEX} FILE_NAME) # set properties of main form file set_source_files_properties("${FILE_NAME}" PROPERTIES VS_CSHARP_SubType "Form") csharp_get_dependentupon_name(LINK "${FILE_NAME}") # set properties of designer file (if found) list(FIND fileKeys "${NAME_BASE}.DESIGNER.CS" FILE_INDEX) if(NOT ${FILE_INDEX} EQUAL -1) list(GET ARGN ${FILE_INDEX} FILE_NAME) set_source_files_properties("${FILE_NAME}" PROPERTIES VS_CSHARP_DependentUpon "${LINK}" VS_CSHARP_DesignTime "" VS_CSHARP_AutoGen "") endif() # set properties of corresponding resource file (if found) list(FIND fileKeys "${NAME_BASE}.RESX" FILE_INDEX) if(NOT ${FILE_INDEX} EQUAL -1) list(GET ARGN ${FILE_INDEX} FILE_NAME) set_source_files_properties("${FILE_NAME}" PROPERTIES VS_RESOURCE_GENERATOR "" VS_CSHARP_DependentUpon "${LINK}" VS_CSHARP_SubType "Designer") endif() endif() endif() endforeach() endfunction() function(csharp_set_designer_cs_properties) csharp_get_filename_keys(fileKeys ${ARGN}) set(INDEX -1) foreach(key ${fileKeys}) math(EXPR INDEX "${INDEX}+1") list(GET ARGN ${INDEX} source) get_filename_component(ext ${key} EXT) if(${ext} STREQUAL ".DESIGNER.CS") csharp_get_filename_key_base(NAME_BASE ${key}) if("${NAME_BASE}.RESX" IN_LIST fileKeys) list(FIND fileKeys "${NAME_BASE}.RESX" FILE_INDEX) list(GET ARGN ${FILE_INDEX} FILE_NAME) csharp_get_dependentupon_name(LINK "${FILE_NAME}") set_source_files_properties("${source}" PROPERTIES VS_CSHARP_AutoGen "True" VS_CSHARP_DesignTime "True" VS_CSHARP_DependentUpon "${LINK}") elseif("${NAME_BASE}.CS" IN_LIST fileKeys) list(FIND fileKeys "${NAME_BASE}.CS" FILE_INDEX) list(GET ARGN ${FILE_INDEX} FILE_NAME) csharp_get_dependentupon_name(LINK "${FILE_NAME}") set_source_files_properties("${source}" PROPERTIES VS_CSHARP_DependentUpon "${LINK}") elseif("${NAME_BASE}.SETTINGS" IN_LIST fileKeys) list(FIND fileKeys "${NAME_BASE}.SETTINGS" FILE_INDEX) list(GET ARGN ${FILE_INDEX} FILE_NAME) csharp_get_dependentupon_name(LINK "${FILE_NAME}") set_source_files_properties("${source}" PROPERTIES VS_CSHARP_AutoGen "True" VS_CSHARP_DesignTimeSharedInput "True" VS_CSHARP_DependentUpon "${LINK}") endif() endif() endforeach() endfunction() function(csharp_set_xaml_cs_properties) csharp_get_filename_keys(fileKeys ${ARGN}) set(INDEX -1) foreach(key ${fileKeys}) math(EXPR INDEX "${INDEX}+1") list(GET ARGN ${INDEX} source) get_filename_component(ext ${key} EXT) if(${ext} STREQUAL ".XAML.CS") csharp_get_filename_key_base(NAME_BASE ${key}) if("${NAME_BASE}.XAML" IN_LIST fileKeys) list(FIND fileKeys "${NAME_BASE}.XAML" FILE_INDEX) list(GET ARGN ${FILE_INDEX} FILE_NAME) csharp_get_dependentupon_name(LINK "${FILE_NAME}") set_source_files_properties("${source}" PROPERTIES VS_CSHARP_DependentUpon "${LINK}") endif() endif() endforeach() endfunction() cmake_policy(POP)