FOLDER ------ For IDEs that present targets using a folder hierarchy, this property specifies the name of the folder to place the target under. To nest folders, use ``FOLDER`` values such as ``GUI/Dialogs`` with ``/`` characters separating folder levels. Targets with no ``FOLDER`` property will appear as top level entities. Targets with the same ``FOLDER`` property value will appear in the same folder as siblings. Only some CMake generators honor the ``FOLDER`` property (e.g. :generator:`Xcode` or any of the :ref:`Visual Studio ` generators). Those generators that don't will simply ignore it. This property is initialized by the value of the variable :variable:`CMAKE_FOLDER` if it is set when a target is created. The global property :prop_gbl:`USE_FOLDERS` must be set to true, otherwise the ``FOLDER`` property is ignored.