CMP0001 ------- ``CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY`` should no longer be used. The behavior is to check ``CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY`` and present it to the user. The ``NEW`` behavior is to ignore CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY completely. In CMake 2.4 and below the variable ``CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY`` was used to request compatibility with earlier versions of CMake. In CMake 2.6 and above all compatibility issues are handled by policies and the :command:`cmake_policy` command. However, CMake must still check ``CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY`` for projects written for CMake 2.4 and below. .. |INTRODUCED_IN_CMAKE_VERSION| replace:: 2.6.0 .. |WARNS_OR_DOES_NOT_WARN| replace:: warns .. include:: STANDARD_ADVICE.txt .. include:: DEPRECATED.txt