target_sources -------------- .. versionadded:: 3.1 Add sources to a target. .. code-block:: cmake target_sources( [items1...] [ [items2...] ...]) Specifies sources to use when building a target and/or its dependents. The named ```` must have been created by a command such as :command:`add_executable` or :command:`add_library` or :command:`add_custom_target` and must not be an :ref:`ALIAS target `. The ```` may use :manual:`generator expressions `. .. versionadded:: 3.20 ```` can be a custom target. The ``INTERFACE``, ``PUBLIC`` and ``PRIVATE`` keywords are required to specify the :ref:`scope ` of the source file paths (````) that follow them. ``PRIVATE`` and ``PUBLIC`` items will populate the :prop_tgt:`SOURCES` property of ````, which are used when building the target itself. ``PUBLIC`` and ``INTERFACE`` items will populate the :prop_tgt:`INTERFACE_SOURCES` property of ````, which are used when building dependents. A target created by :command:`add_custom_target` can only have ``PRIVATE`` scope. Repeated calls for the same ```` append items in the order called. .. versionadded:: 3.3 Allow exporting targets with :prop_tgt:`INTERFACE_SOURCES`. .. versionadded:: 3.11 Allow setting ``INTERFACE`` items on :ref:`IMPORTED targets `. .. versionchanged:: 3.13 Relative source file paths are interpreted as being relative to the current source directory (i.e. :variable:`CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR`). See policy :policy:`CMP0076`. A path that begins with a generator expression is left unmodified. When a target's :prop_tgt:`SOURCE_DIR` property differs from :variable:`CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR`, use absolute paths in generator expressions to ensure the sources are correctly assigned to the target. .. code-block:: cmake # WRONG: starts with generator expression, but relative path used target_sources(MyTarget PRIVATE "$<$:dbgsrc.cpp>") # CORRECT: absolute path used inside the generator expression target_sources(MyTarget PRIVATE "$<$:${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/dbgsrc.cpp>") See the :manual:`cmake-buildsystem(7)` manual for more on defining buildsystem properties. .. _`File Sets`: File Sets ^^^^^^^^^ .. versionadded:: 3.23 .. code-block:: cmake target_sources( [ [FILE_SET [TYPE ] [BASE_DIRS ...] [FILES ...]]... ]...) Adds a file set to a target, or adds files to an existing file set. Targets have zero or more named file sets. Each file set has a name, a type, a scope of ``INTERFACE``, ``PUBLIC``, or ``PRIVATE``, one or more base directories, and files within those directories. The acceptable types include: ``HEADERS`` Sources intended to be used via a language's ``#include`` mechanism. ``CXX_MODULES`` .. versionadded:: 3.28 Sources which contain C++ interface module or partition units (i.e., those using the ``export`` keyword). This file set type may not have an ``INTERFACE`` scope except on ``IMPORTED`` targets. The optional default file sets are named after their type. The target may not be a custom target or :prop_tgt:`FRAMEWORK` target. Files in a ``PRIVATE`` or ``PUBLIC`` file set are marked as source files for the purposes of IDE integration. Additionally, files in ``HEADERS`` file sets have their :prop_sf:`HEADER_FILE_ONLY` property set to ``TRUE``. Files in an ``INTERFACE`` or ``PUBLIC`` file set can be installed with the :command:`install(TARGETS)` command, and exported with the :command:`install(EXPORT)` and :command:`export` commands. Each ``target_sources(FILE_SET)`` entry starts with ``INTERFACE``, ``PUBLIC``, or ``PRIVATE`` and accepts the following arguments: ``FILE_SET `` The name of the file set to create or add to. It must contain only letters, numbers and underscores. Names starting with a capital letter are reserved for built-in file sets predefined by CMake. The only predefined set names are those matching the acceptable types. All other set names must not start with a capital letter or underscore. ``TYPE `` Every file set is associated with a particular type of file. Only types specified above may be used and it is an error to specify anything else. As a special case, if the name of the file set is one of the types, the type does not need to be specified and the ``TYPE `` arguments can be omitted. For all other file set names, ``TYPE`` is required. ``BASE_DIRS ...`` An optional list of base directories of the file set. Any relative path is treated as relative to the current source directory (i.e. :variable:`CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR`). If no ``BASE_DIRS`` are specified when the file set is first created, the value of :variable:`CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR` is added. This argument supports :manual:`generator expressions `. No two base directories for a file set may be sub-directories of each other. This requirement must be met across all base directories added to a file set, not just those within a single call to ``target_sources()``. ``FILES ...`` An optional list of files to add to the file set. Each file must be in one of the base directories, or a subdirectory of one of the base directories. This argument supports :manual:`generator expressions `. If relative paths are specified, they are considered relative to :variable:`CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR` at the time ``target_sources()`` is called. An exception to this is a path starting with ``$<``. Such paths are treated as relative to the target's source directory after evaluation of generator expressions. The following target properties are set by ``target_sources(FILE_SET)``, but they should not generally be manipulated directly: For file sets of type ``HEADERS``: * :prop_tgt:`HEADER_SETS` * :prop_tgt:`INTERFACE_HEADER_SETS` * :prop_tgt:`HEADER_SET` * :prop_tgt:`HEADER_SET_` * :prop_tgt:`HEADER_DIRS` * :prop_tgt:`HEADER_DIRS_` For file sets of type ``CXX_MODULES``: * :prop_tgt:`CXX_MODULE_SETS` * :prop_tgt:`INTERFACE_CXX_MODULE_SETS` * :prop_tgt:`CXX_MODULE_SET` * :prop_tgt:`CXX_MODULE_SET_` * :prop_tgt:`CXX_MODULE_DIRS` * :prop_tgt:`CXX_MODULE_DIRS_` Target properties related to include directories are also modified by ``target_sources(FILE_SET)`` as follows: :prop_tgt:`INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES` If the ``TYPE`` is ``HEADERS``, and the scope of the file set is ``PRIVATE`` or ``PUBLIC``, all of the ``BASE_DIRS`` of the file set are wrapped in :genex:`$` and appended to this property. :prop_tgt:`INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES` If the ``TYPE`` is ``HEADERS``, and the scope of the file set is ``INTERFACE`` or ``PUBLIC``, all of the ``BASE_DIRS`` of the file set are wrapped in :genex:`$` and appended to this property. See Also ^^^^^^^^ * :command:`add_executable` * :command:`add_library` * :command:`target_compile_definitions` * :command:`target_compile_features` * :command:`target_compile_options` * :command:`target_include_directories` * :command:`target_link_libraries` * :command:`target_link_directories` * :command:`target_link_options` * :command:`target_precompile_headers`