cmake_host_system_information ----------------------------- Query various host system information. Synopsis ^^^^^^^^ .. parsed-literal:: `Query host system specific information`_ cmake_host_system_information(RESULT QUERY ...) `Query Windows registry`_ cmake_host_system_information(RESULT QUERY WINDOWS_REGISTRY ...) Query host system specific information ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: cmake cmake_host_system_information(RESULT QUERY ...) Queries system information of the host system on which cmake runs. One or more ```` can be provided to select the information to be queried. The list of queried values is stored in ````. ```` can be one of the following values: ``NUMBER_OF_LOGICAL_CORES`` Number of logical cores ``NUMBER_OF_PHYSICAL_CORES`` Number of physical cores ``HOSTNAME`` Hostname ``FQDN`` Fully qualified domain name ``TOTAL_VIRTUAL_MEMORY`` Total virtual memory in MiB [#mebibytes]_ ``AVAILABLE_VIRTUAL_MEMORY`` Available virtual memory in MiB [#mebibytes]_ ``TOTAL_PHYSICAL_MEMORY`` Total physical memory in MiB [#mebibytes]_ ``AVAILABLE_PHYSICAL_MEMORY`` Available physical memory in MiB [#mebibytes]_ ``IS_64BIT`` .. versionadded:: 3.10 One if processor is 64Bit ``HAS_FPU`` .. versionadded:: 3.10 One if processor has floating point unit ``HAS_MMX`` .. versionadded:: 3.10 One if processor supports MMX instructions ``HAS_MMX_PLUS`` .. versionadded:: 3.10 One if processor supports Ext. MMX instructions ``HAS_SSE`` .. versionadded:: 3.10 One if processor supports SSE instructions ``HAS_SSE2`` .. versionadded:: 3.10 One if processor supports SSE2 instructions ``HAS_SSE_FP`` .. versionadded:: 3.10 One if processor supports SSE FP instructions ``HAS_SSE_MMX`` .. versionadded:: 3.10 One if processor supports SSE MMX instructions ``HAS_AMD_3DNOW`` .. versionadded:: 3.10 One if processor supports 3DNow instructions ``HAS_AMD_3DNOW_PLUS`` .. versionadded:: 3.10 One if processor supports 3DNow+ instructions ``HAS_IA64`` .. versionadded:: 3.10 One if IA64 processor emulating x86 ``HAS_SERIAL_NUMBER`` .. versionadded:: 3.10 One if processor has serial number ``PROCESSOR_SERIAL_NUMBER`` .. versionadded:: 3.10 Processor serial number ``PROCESSOR_NAME`` .. versionadded:: 3.10 Human readable processor name ``PROCESSOR_DESCRIPTION`` .. versionadded:: 3.10 Human readable full processor description ``OS_NAME`` .. versionadded:: 3.10 See :variable:`CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME` ``OS_RELEASE`` .. versionadded:: 3.10 The OS sub-type e.g. on Windows ``Professional`` ``OS_VERSION`` .. versionadded:: 3.10 The OS build ID ``OS_PLATFORM`` .. versionadded:: 3.10 See :variable:`CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR` ``MSYSTEM_PREFIX`` .. versionadded:: 3.28 Available only on Windows hosts. In a MSYS or MinGW development environment that sets the ``MSYSTEM`` environment variable, this is its installation prefix. Otherwise, this is the empty string. ``DISTRIB_INFO`` .. versionadded:: 3.22 Read :file:`/etc/os-release` file and define the given ```` into a list of read variables ``DISTRIB_`` .. versionadded:: 3.22 Get the ```` variable (see `man 5 os-release`_) if it exists in the :file:`/etc/os-release` file Example: .. code-block:: cmake cmake_host_system_information(RESULT PRETTY_NAME QUERY DISTRIB_PRETTY_NAME) message(STATUS "${PRETTY_NAME}") cmake_host_system_information(RESULT DISTRO QUERY DISTRIB_INFO) foreach(VAR IN LISTS DISTRO) message(STATUS "${VAR}=`${${VAR}}`") endforeach() Output:: -- Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS -- DISTRO_BUG_REPORT_URL=`` -- DISTRO_HOME_URL=`` -- DISTRO_ID=`ubuntu` -- DISTRO_ID_LIKE=`debian` -- DISTRO_NAME=`Ubuntu` -- DISTRO_PRETTY_NAME=`Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS` -- DISTRO_PRIVACY_POLICY_URL=`` -- DISTRO_SUPPORT_URL=`` -- DISTRO_UBUNTU_CODENAME=`focal` -- DISTRO_VERSION=`20.04.2 LTS (Focal Fossa)` -- DISTRO_VERSION_CODENAME=`focal` -- DISTRO_VERSION_ID=`20.04` If :file:`/etc/os-release` file is not found, the command tries to gather OS identification via fallback scripts. The fallback script can use `various distribution-specific files`_ to collect OS identification data and map it into `man 5 os-release`_ variables. Fallback Interface Variables """""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. variable:: CMAKE_GET_OS_RELEASE_FALLBACK_SCRIPTS In addition to the scripts shipped with CMake, a user may append full paths to his script(s) to the this list. The script filename has the following format: ``NNN-.cmake``, where ``NNN`` is three digits used to apply collected scripts in a specific order. .. variable:: CMAKE_GET_OS_RELEASE_FALLBACK_RESULT_ Variables collected by the user provided fallback script ought to be assigned to CMake variables using this naming convention. Example, the ``ID`` variable from the manual becomes ``CMAKE_GET_OS_RELEASE_FALLBACK_RESULT_ID``. .. variable:: CMAKE_GET_OS_RELEASE_FALLBACK_RESULT The fallback script ought to store names of all assigned ``CMAKE_GET_OS_RELEASE_FALLBACK_RESULT_`` variables in this list. Example: .. code-block:: cmake # Try to detect some old distribution # See also # - # if(NOT EXISTS "${CMAKE_SYSROOT}/etc/foobar-release") return() endif() # Get the first string only file( STRINGS "${CMAKE_SYSROOT}/etc/foobar-release" CMAKE_GET_OS_RELEASE_FALLBACK_CONTENT LIMIT_COUNT 1 ) # # Example: # # Foobar distribution release 1.2.3 (server) # if(CMAKE_GET_OS_RELEASE_FALLBACK_CONTENT MATCHES "Foobar distribution release ([0-9\.]+) .*") set(CMAKE_GET_OS_RELEASE_FALLBACK_RESULT_NAME Foobar) set(CMAKE_GET_OS_RELEASE_FALLBACK_RESULT_PRETTY_NAME "${CMAKE_GET_OS_RELEASE_FALLBACK_CONTENT}") set(CMAKE_GET_OS_RELEASE_FALLBACK_RESULT_ID foobar) set(CMAKE_GET_OS_RELEASE_FALLBACK_RESULT_VERSION ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) set(CMAKE_GET_OS_RELEASE_FALLBACK_RESULT_VERSION_ID ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) list( APPEND CMAKE_GET_OS_RELEASE_FALLBACK_RESULT CMAKE_GET_OS_RELEASE_FALLBACK_RESULT_NAME CMAKE_GET_OS_RELEASE_FALLBACK_RESULT_PRETTY_NAME CMAKE_GET_OS_RELEASE_FALLBACK_RESULT_ID CMAKE_GET_OS_RELEASE_FALLBACK_RESULT_VERSION CMAKE_GET_OS_RELEASE_FALLBACK_RESULT_VERSION_ID ) endif() unset(CMAKE_GET_OS_RELEASE_FALLBACK_CONTENT) .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#mebibytes] One MiB (mebibyte) is equal to 1024x1024 bytes. .. _man 5 os-release: .. _various distribution-specific files: .. _Query Windows registry: Query Windows registry ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. versionadded:: 3.24 :: cmake_host_system_information(RESULT QUERY WINDOWS_REGISTRY [VALUE_NAMES|SUBKEYS|VALUE ] [VIEW (64|32|64_32|32_64|HOST|TARGET|BOTH)] [SEPARATOR ] [ERROR_VARIABLE ]) Performs query operations on local computer registry subkey. Returns a list of subkeys or value names that are located under the specified subkey in the registry or the data of the specified value name. The result of the queried entity is stored in ````. .. note:: Querying registry for any other platforms than ``Windows``, including ``CYGWIN``, will always returns an empty string and sets an error message in the variable specified with sub-option ``ERROR_VARIABLE``. ```` specify the full path of a subkey on the local computer. The ```` must include a valid root key. Valid root keys for the local computer are: * ``HKLM`` or ``HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE`` * ``HKCU`` or ``HKEY_CURRENT_USER`` * ``HKCR`` or ``HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT`` * ``HKU`` or ``HKEY_USERS`` * ``HKCC`` or ``HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG`` And, optionally, the path to a subkey under the specified root key. The path separator can be the slash or the backslash. ```` is not case sensitive. For example: .. code-block:: cmake cmake_host_system_information(RESULT result QUERY WINDOWS_REGISTRY "HKLM") cmake_host_system_information(RESULT result QUERY WINDOWS_REGISTRY "HKLM/SOFTWARE/Kitware") cmake_host_system_information(RESULT result QUERY WINDOWS_REGISTRY "HKCU\\SOFTWARE\\Kitware") ``VALUE_NAMES`` Request the list of value names defined under ````. If a default value is defined, it will be identified with the special name ``(default)``. ``SUBKEYS`` Request the list of subkeys defined under ````. ``VALUE `` Request the data stored in value named ````. If ``VALUE`` is not specified or argument is the special name ``(default)``, the content of the default value, if any, will be returned. .. code-block:: cmake # query default value for HKLM/SOFTWARE/Kitware key cmake_host_system_information(RESULT result QUERY WINDOWS_REGISTRY "HKLM/SOFTWARE/Kitware") # query default value for HKLM/SOFTWARE/Kitware key using special value name cmake_host_system_information(RESULT result QUERY WINDOWS_REGISTRY "HKLM/SOFTWARE/Kitware" VALUE "(default)") Supported types are: * ``REG_SZ``. * ``REG_EXPAND_SZ``. The returned data is expanded. * ``REG_MULTI_SZ``. The returned is expressed as a CMake list. See also ``SEPARATOR`` sub-option. * ``REG_DWORD``. * ``REG_QWORD``. For all other types, an empty string is returned. ``VIEW`` Specify which registry views must be queried. When not specified, ``BOTH`` view is used. ``64`` Query the 64bit registry. On ``32bit Windows``, returns always an empty string. ``32`` Query the 32bit registry. ``64_32`` For ``VALUE`` sub-option or default value, query the registry using view ``64``, and if the request failed, query the registry using view ``32``. For ``VALUE_NAMES`` and ``SUBKEYS`` sub-options, query both views (``64`` and ``32``) and merge the results (sorted and duplicates removed). ``32_64`` For ``VALUE`` sub-option or default value, query the registry using view ``32``, and if the request failed, query the registry using view ``64``. For ``VALUE_NAMES`` and ``SUBKEYS`` sub-options, query both views (``32`` and ``64``) and merge the results (sorted and duplicates removed). ``HOST`` Query the registry matching the architecture of the host: ``64`` on ``64bit Windows`` and ``32`` on ``32bit Windows``. ``TARGET`` Query the registry matching the architecture specified by :variable:`CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P` variable. If not defined, fallback to ``HOST`` view. ``BOTH`` Query both views (``32`` and ``64``). The order depends of the following rules: If :variable:`CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P` variable is defined. Use the following view depending of the content of this variable: * ``8``: ``64_32`` * ``4``: ``32_64`` If :variable:`CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P` variable is not defined, rely on architecture of the host: * ``64bit``: ``64_32`` * ``32bit``: ``32`` ``SEPARATOR`` Specify the separator character for ``REG_MULTI_SZ`` type. When not specified, the character ``\0`` is used. ``ERROR_VARIABLE `` Returns any error raised during query operation. In case of success, the variable holds an empty string.