add_custom_command ------------------ Add a custom build rule to the generated build system. There are two main signatures for ``add_custom_command``. Generating Files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The first signature is for adding a custom command to produce an output: .. code-block:: cmake add_custom_command(OUTPUT output1 [output2 ...] COMMAND command1 [ARGS] [args1...] [COMMAND command2 [ARGS] [args2...] ...] [MAIN_DEPENDENCY depend] [DEPENDS [depends...]] [BYPRODUCTS [files...]] [IMPLICIT_DEPENDS depend1 [ depend2] ...] [WORKING_DIRECTORY dir] [COMMENT comment] [DEPFILE depfile] [JOB_POOL job_pool] [JOB_SERVER_AWARE ] [VERBATIM] [APPEND] [USES_TERMINAL] [COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS] [DEPENDS_EXPLICIT_ONLY]) This defines a command to generate specified ``OUTPUT`` file(s). A target created in the same directory (``CMakeLists.txt`` file) that specifies any output of the custom command as a source file is given a rule to generate the file using the command at build time. Do not list the output in more than one independent target that may build in parallel or the instances of the rule may conflict. Instead, use the :command:`add_custom_target` command to drive the command and make the other targets depend on that one. See the `Example: Generating Files for Multiple Targets`_ below. The options are: ``APPEND`` Append the ``COMMAND`` and ``DEPENDS`` option values to the custom command for the first output specified. There must have already been a previous call to this command with the same output. If the previous call specified the output via a generator expression, the output specified by the current call must match in at least one configuration after evaluating generator expressions. In this case, the appended commands and dependencies apply to all configurations. The ``COMMENT``, ``MAIN_DEPENDENCY``, and ``WORKING_DIRECTORY`` options are currently ignored when APPEND is given, but may be used in the future. ``BYPRODUCTS`` .. versionadded:: 3.2 Specify the files the command is expected to produce but whose modification time may or may not be newer than the dependencies. If a byproduct name is a relative path it will be interpreted relative to the build tree directory corresponding to the current source directory. Each byproduct file will be marked with the :prop_sf:`GENERATED` source file property automatically. *See policy* :policy:`CMP0058` *for the motivation behind this feature.* Explicit specification of byproducts is supported by the :generator:`Ninja` generator to tell the ``ninja`` build tool how to regenerate byproducts when they are missing. It is also useful when other build rules (e.g. custom commands) depend on the byproducts. Ninja requires a build rule for any generated file on which another rule depends even if there are order-only dependencies to ensure the byproducts will be available before their dependents build. The :ref:`Makefile Generators` will remove ``BYPRODUCTS`` and other :prop_sf:`GENERATED` files during ``make clean``. .. versionadded:: 3.20 Arguments to ``BYPRODUCTS`` may use a restricted set of :manual:`generator expressions `. :ref:`Target-dependent expressions ` are not permitted. .. versionchanged:: 3.28 In targets using :ref:`file sets`, custom command byproducts are now considered private unless they are listed in a non-private file set. See policy :policy:`CMP0154`. ``COMMAND`` Specify the command-line(s) to execute at build time. If more than one ``COMMAND`` is specified they will be executed in order, but *not* necessarily composed into a stateful shell or batch script. (To run a full script, use the :command:`configure_file` command or the :command:`file(GENERATE)` command to create it, and then specify a ``COMMAND`` to launch it.) The optional ``ARGS`` argument is for backward compatibility and will be ignored. If ``COMMAND`` specifies an executable target name (created by the :command:`add_executable` command), it will automatically be replaced by the location of the executable created at build time if either of the following is true: * The target is not being cross-compiled (i.e. the :variable:`CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING` variable is not set to true). * .. versionadded:: 3.6 The target is being cross-compiled and an emulator is provided (i.e. its :prop_tgt:`CROSSCOMPILING_EMULATOR` target property is set). In this case, the contents of :prop_tgt:`CROSSCOMPILING_EMULATOR` will be prepended to the command before the location of the target executable. If neither of the above conditions are met, it is assumed that the command name is a program to be found on the ``PATH`` at build time. Arguments to ``COMMAND`` may use :manual:`generator expressions `. Use the :genex:`TARGET_FILE` generator expression to refer to the location of a target later in the command line (i.e. as a command argument rather than as the command to execute). Whenever one of the following target based generator expressions are used as a command to execute or is mentioned in a command argument, a target-level dependency will be added automatically so that the mentioned target will be built before any target using this custom command (see policy :policy:`CMP0112`). * ``TARGET_FILE`` * ``TARGET_LINKER_FILE`` * ``TARGET_SONAME_FILE`` * ``TARGET_PDB_FILE`` This target-level dependency does NOT add a file-level dependency that would cause the custom command to re-run whenever the executable is recompiled. List target names with the ``DEPENDS`` option to add such file-level dependencies. ``COMMENT`` Display the given message before the commands are executed at build time. .. versionadded:: 3.26 Arguments to ``COMMENT`` may use :manual:`generator expressions `. ``DEPENDS`` Specify files on which the command depends. Each argument is converted to a dependency as follows: 1. If the argument is the name of a target (created by the :command:`add_custom_target`, :command:`add_executable`, or :command:`add_library` command) a target-level dependency is created to make sure the target is built before any target using this custom command. Additionally, if the target is an executable or library, a file-level dependency is created to cause the custom command to re-run whenever the target is recompiled. 2. If the argument is an absolute path, a file-level dependency is created on that path. 3. If the argument is the name of a source file that has been added to a target or on which a source file property has been set, a file-level dependency is created on that source file. 4. If the argument is a relative path and it exists in the current source directory, a file-level dependency is created on that file in the current source directory. 5. Otherwise, a file-level dependency is created on that path relative to the current binary directory. If any dependency is an ``OUTPUT`` of another custom command in the same directory (``CMakeLists.txt`` file), CMake automatically brings the other custom command into the target in which this command is built. .. versionadded:: 3.16 A target-level dependency is added if any dependency is listed as ``BYPRODUCTS`` of a target or any of its build events in the same directory to ensure the byproducts will be available. If ``DEPENDS`` is not specified, the command will run whenever the ``OUTPUT`` is missing; if the command does not actually create the ``OUTPUT``, the rule will always run. .. versionadded:: 3.1 Arguments to ``DEPENDS`` may use :manual:`generator expressions `. ``COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS`` .. versionadded:: 3.8 Lists in ``COMMAND`` arguments will be expanded, including those created with :manual:`generator expressions `, allowing ``COMMAND`` arguments such as ``${CC} "-I$,;-I>"`` to be properly expanded. ``IMPLICIT_DEPENDS`` Request scanning of implicit dependencies of an input file. The language given specifies the programming language whose corresponding dependency scanner should be used. Currently only ``C`` and ``CXX`` language scanners are supported. The language has to be specified for every file in the ``IMPLICIT_DEPENDS`` list. Dependencies discovered from the scanning are added to those of the custom command at build time. Note that the ``IMPLICIT_DEPENDS`` option is currently supported only for Makefile generators and will be ignored by other generators. .. note:: This option cannot be specified at the same time as ``DEPFILE`` option. ``JOB_POOL`` .. versionadded:: 3.15 Specify a :prop_gbl:`pool ` for the :generator:`Ninja` generator. Incompatible with ``USES_TERMINAL``, which implies the ``console`` pool. Using a pool that is not defined by :prop_gbl:`JOB_POOLS` causes an error by ninja at build time. ``JOB_SERVER_AWARE`` .. versionadded:: 3.28 Specify that the command is GNU Make job server aware. For the :generator:`Unix Makefiles`, :generator:`MSYS Makefiles`, and :generator:`MinGW Makefiles` generators this will add the ``+`` prefix to the recipe line. See the `GNU Make Documentation`_ for more information. This option is silently ignored by other generators. .. _`GNU Make Documentation`: ``MAIN_DEPENDENCY`` Specify the primary input source file to the command. This is treated just like any value given to the ``DEPENDS`` option but also suggests to Visual Studio generators where to hang the custom command. Each source file may have at most one command specifying it as its main dependency. A compile command (i.e. for a library or an executable) counts as an implicit main dependency which gets silently overwritten by a custom command specification. ``OUTPUT`` Specify the output files the command is expected to produce. Each output file will be marked with the :prop_sf:`GENERATED` source file property automatically. If the output of the custom command is not actually created as a file on disk it should be marked with the :prop_sf:`SYMBOLIC` source file property. If an output file name is a relative path, its absolute path is determined by interpreting it relative to: 1. the build directory corresponding to the current source directory (:variable:`CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR`), or 2. the current source directory (:variable:`CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR`). The path in the build directory is preferred unless the path in the source tree is mentioned as an absolute source file path elsewhere in the current directory. The output file path may not contain ``<`` or ``>`` characters. .. versionadded:: 3.20 Arguments to ``OUTPUT`` may use a restricted set of :manual:`generator expressions `. :ref:`Target-dependent expressions ` are not permitted. .. versionchanged:: 3.28 In targets using :ref:`file sets`, custom command outputs are now considered private unless they are listed in a non-private file set. See policy :policy:`CMP0154`. .. versionchanged:: 3.30 The output file path may now use ``#`` characters, except when using the :generator:`Borland Makefiles` generator. ``USES_TERMINAL`` .. versionadded:: 3.2 The command will be given direct access to the terminal if possible. With the :generator:`Ninja` generator, this places the command in the ``console`` :prop_gbl:`pool `. ``VERBATIM`` All arguments to the commands will be escaped properly for the build tool so that the invoked command receives each argument unchanged. Note that one level of escapes is still used by the CMake language processor before add_custom_command even sees the arguments. Use of ``VERBATIM`` is recommended as it enables correct behavior. When ``VERBATIM`` is not given the behavior is platform specific because there is no protection of tool-specific special characters. ``WORKING_DIRECTORY`` Execute the command with the given current working directory. If it is a relative path it will be interpreted relative to the build tree directory corresponding to the current source directory. .. versionadded:: 3.13 Arguments to ``WORKING_DIRECTORY`` may use :manual:`generator expressions `. ``DEPFILE`` .. versionadded:: 3.7 Specify a depfile which holds dependencies for the custom command. It is usually emitted by the custom command itself. This keyword may only be used if the generator supports it, as detailed below. The expected format, compatible with what is generated by ``gcc`` with the option ``-M``, is independent of the generator or platform. The formal syntax, as specified using `BNF `_ notation with the regular extensions, is the following: .. raw:: latex \begin{small} .. productionlist:: depfile depfile: `rule`* rule: `targets` (':' (`separator` `dependencies`?)?)? `eol` targets: `target` (`separator` `target`)* `separator`* target: `pathname` dependencies: `dependency` (`separator` `dependency`)* `separator`* dependency: `pathname` separator: (`space` | `line_continue`)+ line_continue: '\' `eol` space: ' ' | '\t' pathname: `character`+ character: `std_character` | `dollar` | `hash` | `whitespace` std_character: dollar: '$$' hash: '\#' whitespace: '\ ' eol: '\r'? '\n' .. raw:: latex \end{small} .. note:: As part of ``pathname``, any slash and backslash is interpreted as a directory separator. .. versionadded:: 3.7 The :generator:`Ninja` generator supports ``DEPFILE`` since the keyword was first added. .. versionadded:: 3.17 Added the :generator:`Ninja Multi-Config` generator, which included support for the ``DEPFILE`` keyword. .. versionadded:: 3.20 Added support for :ref:`Makefile Generators`. .. note:: ``DEPFILE`` cannot be specified at the same time as the ``IMPLICIT_DEPENDS`` option for :ref:`Makefile Generators`. .. versionadded:: 3.21 Added support for :ref:`Visual Studio Generators` with VS 2012 and above, and for the :generator:`Xcode` generator. Support for :manual:`generator expressions ` was also added. .. versionadded:: 3.29 The :ref:`Ninja Generators` will now incorporate the dependencies into its "deps log" database if the file is not listed in ``OUTPUTS`` or ``BYPRODUCTS``. Using ``DEPFILE`` with generators other than those listed above is an error. If the ``DEPFILE`` argument is relative, it should be relative to :variable:`CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR`, and any relative paths inside the ``DEPFILE`` should also be relative to :variable:`CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR`. See policy :policy:`CMP0116`, which is always ``NEW`` for :ref:`Makefile Generators`, :ref:`Visual Studio Generators`, and the :generator:`Xcode` generator. ``DEPENDS_EXPLICIT_ONLY`` .. versionadded:: 3.27 Indicates that the command's ``DEPENDS`` argument represents all files required by the command and implicit dependencies are not required. Without this option, if any target uses the output of the custom command, CMake will consider that target's dependencies as implicit dependencies for the custom command in case this custom command requires files implicitly created by those targets. This option can be enabled on all custom commands by setting :variable:`CMAKE_ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND_DEPENDS_EXPLICIT_ONLY` to ``ON``. Only the :ref:`Ninja Generators` actually use this information to remove unnecessary implicit dependencies. See also the :prop_tgt:`OPTIMIZE_DEPENDENCIES` target property, which may provide another way for reducing the impact of target dependencies in some scenarios. Examples: Generating Files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Custom commands may be used to generate source files. For example, the code: .. code-block:: cmake add_custom_command( OUTPUT out.c COMMAND someTool -i ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/in.txt -o out.c DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/in.txt VERBATIM) add_library(myLib out.c) adds a custom command to run ``someTool`` to generate ``out.c`` and then compile the generated source as part of a library. The generation rule will re-run whenever ``in.txt`` changes. .. versionadded:: 3.20 One may use generator expressions to specify per-configuration outputs. For example, the code: .. code-block:: cmake add_custom_command( OUTPUT "out-$.c" COMMAND someTool -i ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/in.txt -o "out-$.c" -c "$" DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/in.txt VERBATIM) add_library(myLib "out-$.c") adds a custom command to run ``someTool`` to generate ``out-.c``, where ```` is the build configuration, and then compile the generated source as part of a library. Example: Generating Files for Multiple Targets """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" If multiple independent targets need the same custom command output, it must be attached to a single custom target on which they all depend. Consider the following example: .. code-block:: cmake add_custom_command( OUTPUT table.csv COMMAND makeTable -i ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/input.dat -o table.csv DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/input.dat VERBATIM) add_custom_target(generate_table_csv DEPENDS table.csv) add_custom_command( OUTPUT foo.cxx COMMAND genFromTable -i table.csv -case foo -o foo.cxx DEPENDS table.csv # file-level dependency generate_table_csv # target-level dependency VERBATIM) add_library(foo foo.cxx) add_custom_command( OUTPUT bar.cxx COMMAND genFromTable -i table.csv -case bar -o bar.cxx DEPENDS table.csv # file-level dependency generate_table_csv # target-level dependency VERBATIM) add_library(bar bar.cxx) Output ``foo.cxx`` is needed only by target ``foo`` and output ``bar.cxx`` is needed only by target ``bar``, but *both* targets need ``table.csv``, transitively. Since ``foo`` and ``bar`` are independent targets that may build concurrently, we prevent them from racing to generate ``table.csv`` by placing its custom command in a separate target, ``generate_table_csv``. The custom commands generating ``foo.cxx`` and ``bar.cxx`` each specify a target-level dependency on ``generate_table_csv``, so the targets using them, ``foo`` and ``bar``, will not build until after target ``generate_table_csv`` is built. .. _`add_custom_command(TARGET)`: Build Events ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The second signature adds a custom command to a target such as a library or executable. This is useful for performing an operation before or after building the target. The command becomes part of the target and will only execute when the target itself is built. If the target is already built, the command will not execute. .. code-block:: cmake add_custom_command(TARGET PRE_BUILD | PRE_LINK | POST_BUILD COMMAND command1 [ARGS] [args1...] [COMMAND command2 [ARGS] [args2...] ...] [BYPRODUCTS [files...]] [WORKING_DIRECTORY dir] [COMMENT comment] [VERBATIM] [COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS]) This defines a new command that will be associated with building the specified ````. The ```` must be defined in the current directory; targets defined in other directories may not be specified. When the command will happen is determined by which of the following is specified: ``PRE_BUILD`` This option has unique behavior for the :ref:`Visual Studio Generators`. When using one of the Visual Studio generators, the command will run before any other rules are executed within the target. With all other generators, this option behaves the same as ``PRE_LINK`` instead. Because of this, it is recommended to avoid using ``PRE_BUILD`` except when it is known that a Visual Studio generator is being used. ``PRE_LINK`` Run after sources have been compiled but before linking the binary or running the librarian or archiver tool of a static library. This is not defined for targets created by the :command:`add_custom_target` command. ``POST_BUILD`` Run after all other rules within the target have been executed. Projects should always specify one of the above three keywords when using the ``TARGET`` form. For backward compatibility reasons, ``POST_BUILD`` is assumed if no such keyword is given, but projects should explicitly provide one of the keywords to make clear the behavior they expect. .. note:: Because generator expressions can be used in custom commands, it is possible to define ``COMMAND`` lines or whole custom commands which evaluate to empty strings for certain configurations. For **Visual Studio 12 2013 (and newer)** generators these command lines or custom commands will be omitted for the specific configuration and no "empty-string-command" will be added. This allows adding individual build events for every configuration. .. versionadded:: 3.21 Support for target-dependent generator expressions. .. versionadded:: 3.29 The ```` may be an :ref:`ALIAS target `. Examples: Build Events ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A ``POST_BUILD`` event may be used to post-process a binary after linking. For example, the code: .. code-block:: cmake add_executable(myExe myExe.c) add_custom_command( TARGET myExe POST_BUILD COMMAND someHasher -i "$" -o "$.hash" VERBATIM) will run ``someHasher`` to produce a ``.hash`` file next to the executable after linking. .. versionadded:: 3.20 One may use generator expressions to specify per-configuration byproducts. For example, the code: .. code-block:: cmake add_library(myPlugin MODULE myPlugin.c) add_custom_command( TARGET myPlugin POST_BUILD COMMAND someHasher -i "$" --as-code "myPlugin-hash-$.c" BYPRODUCTS "myPlugin-hash-$.c" VERBATIM) add_executable(myExe myExe.c "myPlugin-hash-$.c") will run ``someHasher`` after linking ``myPlugin``, e.g. to produce a ``.c`` file containing code to check the hash of ``myPlugin`` that the ``myExe`` executable can use to verify it before loading. Ninja Multi-Config ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. versionadded:: 3.20 ``add_custom_command`` supports the :generator:`Ninja Multi-Config` generator's cross-config capabilities. See the generator documentation for more information. See Also ^^^^^^^^ * :command:`add_custom_target`